Page 75 - YB1992
P. 75
GREEK r;.\lK Ever wonder how well the Panhel is planning Rush. The fraternities and sororities on council must decide on dales campus get along? There are for fall and spring Rush and three groups on campus oea- draw up guidelines for each of ignaled to help improve Greek the three Rush parties. Since relations as well as promote there are both local and na- the Greek system's image. tional sororities at Western These groups consist of rep- Maryland, Panheltries to make resentatives from every fra- decisions that satisfy all of the ternity and sorority at Western groups. Maryland College. By giving The male fraternities at the Greek organizations an WMC are brought together in opportunity to discuss perti- the Inter Fraternity Council. nent issues, they are able to This organization promotes work more closely to highlight fraternity relations and over- Greek life. They also come to looks all fraternity events. AI· a better understanding of each though the men's Rush period other's differences and simi- is less structured than the women's, the IFC still decides The Inter Greek Council in- on some dates cludes representatives from ali The three ruling Greek of the fraternities and sorort- councils at WMC give their ties. Under the advising of Dr members a chance to expand Seidel, the council works to their leadership skills. AI· define Greek policies such as though the work is time con- alcohol and clubroom parties suming, the representatives in IGC also plans campus wide IGC, Panhel, and IFC provide social events sponsored by all a valuable service to the of the Greek organizations. Greek organizations. Their The Panhellenic Council is hard work allows the trater- the representative group for nities and sororities to triter- the sororities on campus. One act in a fun and meaningful of the most important jobs of way. Omega sorority, Valerie Funk takes a moment to voice her opinion. Members of the Inter Fox, Walt Elfe, Mike Greek Council gather for Wheeler, Jen Sheeder, a group photo. Starting In Kourtnay Sweeney, vat- the back row from left to erie Funk, Katie Shep' right are: Dr. Ethan Sel· herd, Roy Zlpp, Jell Spera del, Laurie Lutche, Danl Greeks
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