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ffi.I.A. A sabbatical is a time when professors take some time off from their college or university. The way these rest periods are taken vary from traveling to far away places, to sitting at home and writing a new book. Whatever a professor ends up doing it is almost always a rewarding experience. At WMC the system for taking a sabbatical is structured so that the faculty still get paid while doing it. If you take a semester off you get paid for the whole semester, if you take a year off your pay for one semester is split between the two. This system allows the professor to still survive while not working. Dr. Ira Zepp took a semes- ter sabbatical at Harlexton College in England. He also spent some of his time dur- ing the month of June at a center for Islamic Studies in Hartford, Connecticut While there he researched material for his soon to be published book on Muslims and Hindus. He got Inter ested in these religions while studying in India. Dr. Zepp is the head of Relig- ious Studies at WMC Wasyl Paliiczuk took his sabbatical in the country of his ancestors - the Ukraine. While there he vis- Atlanta, Georgia. She spent ited museums, attended her time working at the lectures and exchanged Carter Presidential Center. ideas on art and art insti- Her work there centered on tutions. His return gave the human rights policies in the campus drawings and U.S. between 1922 and slides of photos that he had 1980. She also spent time taken. His work was docu- working for the Amnesty In- mented in Gallery One, the ternational headquarters campus' art gallery. Pal- office in Atlanta. While ijczuk is an associate art working for Amnesty she instructor. was given the chance to go ••••••••••••••••••••••••• to London to a training ot- • fice for Amnesty relations Of her experience, Dr. Ni- chols said she is looking forward to sharing her new 164 Academics insights with WMC's stu- dents.
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