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weetem Maryland is proud to spon- sorl5nonorsocieties.Theserange from Alpha Psi Omega (Dramatic Arts) to The Trumpeters (Women's Lead- ership). Many students are involved in more Ihan one of these organizations Qualifications for admission vary Irom group to group. These may include ec- ademic performance, community and campus service, or artistic perform· ance. Inmost cases the admission to these honor socletles corresponds to an accompanying major or minor, but not always. Senior J.J. Boggs is in volved in three honor societies, She is one of many people who have a crossoverinvolvament. J-(0'l10'RA '13£E (l)E'l1~IO'l1 Above: Phi Sigma Alpha: Trevor Wy· Phi Sigma lola: J.J. Bogg8, Guido song, Tom Quirk, not pictured: ChriS Siubenrauch, Maria Lafferty, not Bogert, Joe VerneUi pictured: Claudia Henemyre, Sherri Martin, Kenn Wolters, Jen Dean 162 Acadamics
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