Page 132 - YB1992
P. 132
Dennis Walker and Paul Picchierri celebrate WMC's first win at aet- tyeburq in 40 years FOOTBALL The 1991 WMC football a row. WMC then recov- in the CFC, was well rep- team jumped off to a fast ered to score a thrilling, 24· resented on the conference start, but struggled down 21 come-from-behind vic- All-Star Team, led by Play- the stretch as the Green tory overJohns Hopkins in er of the Year Eric Frees Terrors finished 5·5. the traditional season u- Joining Ericon the first team After dropping a 14·13 nale. were: senior wide receiver decision to Albright in the The highlight of the year Andy Steckel; senior Hne- season opener, WMC ran was breaking a long losing backer Jim Webster; fresh· off four straight wins to set streaks to both Gettysburg man nose guard Adam Gre- up a showdown for first and Johns Hopkins. WMC gon; and sophomore punter place in the Centennial had lost 11 straight games Paul McCord. Junior etten- Football Conference (CFC) to Gettysburg and eight to sive tackle Paul Picchierri at Dickinson. The Green Johns Hopkins, making this and junior defensive tackle Terrors fell 28·25 in a hard- season's victories under· Seth Obetz were honora- fought affair, and then lost standably sweet ble-mentton selections three more tight games in WMC, which finished 4·3 Bottom Row: Sherri Smith (Student Trainer), Billy Sprague (Managar), Paul Picchierri, Jeff Knarr, Buck Hartzell, Tim Smith. Jim Webster (Captain), Eric Frees (Captain). Andy Steckel (Captain). David Webster, John Pasquarello, Kevin Richardson, Todd Leskoskl. Mati Sprague (Manager) 2nd Row: Aimee aerccnte (Student Trainer), Trevor Sellers, Ron Kudlacik, Pat Bonner, Glenn Johnson, Paul McCord, James Martin, Ricardo Washington, Steve Weidner, Kris Pierson. Todd Wargo, Seth Obetz, Gary carter 3rd Row: Missy Lachman (Student Trainer), Kris Baker. Pete Cannavino. Bill Power. Bart Cashmsn, Shaem Spencer. Ken Williams, Keith Abel. Mark Brunco, Tim Michael, scott Belson. Pat Maczko 4th Row: Dave Miller, Eric landseadel, Nick Cappadora, Mickey Neustadt. Rob Nightingale, Carols Ramos, Mike Eichner, Morgan Klotz. Robert Rimmel, Greg Roycroft, Adam Gregori. Colin Clark 5th Row: James Fry. Butch Schaffer, Mark Willis, Chris Edie, Tony Jenkins. Charlie Clayton. Dennis Walker, Damon Lewis, Tad Speers, Mike Serrano 6th Row: Ed Koenig. Mark Verga lito, Alan Pietkiawicz. Brett Kehler. Brian Mosher. Billy Tyrrell. Bill Davidson. Tom oruneberc. Jody Goane, Brian Jamiolkowski, Wayne Brooks, Brian Stiff. Dennis Williams. Greg Corwell, Dung Dlnh, Steve McNamara Back Row: Gregg Nibbelink (Trainer), Sean Murphy (Ass!. Coach). Anthony Jones (Asst. Coach), Ben Kling (Asst Coach). Dale Sprague (Head Coach), Sean Dunn (Ass!. Coach). Dave Seibert (Assl. Coach), Scott Funk (Aaet. Coach), Mike Hamm (Asst. Coach). Pat Duncan (Assl. Coach) Missing: Asst. Trainer Rochelle Van Sambeek. Manager Ashley Scattergood The WMC oueoee cele , ! brates atter a touchdown Ricardo Washington (left) and James Marlin work on perfectlnq their runninq end r;"" turning skills. Plo010• .,on"ill"'edtlyTheC.rroll CO""'yTlmea.C.Kuftliolte"C.,' LBinllo"h •• nOMikeJekogian ..~ . ~ - ·.: ··1- ,"".{ -.:' '"
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