Page 131 - YB1992
P. 131
Sigma Phi Epsilon is just one of the fraternities and sororities Julia Mignotti and Heather Hy- land toast to good friends and The Green Terror "Green Terror," familiar to so many Western Mary- landers and mascot of WMC athletic teams, has an aura of mystique, surrounding the figure. The identity of the "GT" is generally not known; and the origin of this char- acter who aids the cheerleaders, fascinates little children and encourages our teams to greater heights, is obscure. Early editions of College publications referred to its teams as the Green and Gold Warriors. The first instance where the "Green Terrors" are mentioned seems to be in the WMC monthly of October 15, 1923, describing a football game between Western Maryland and Washington and lee played in lexington, Virginia. Some feel Coach D.K. Shroyer coined the term to bolster the morale of the squad following this 19-7 defeat by W&l. Others recollect that the term was coined by a Virginia sportswriter following an impressive victory by the WM green jersey-clad rep- resentatives. Still others believe that W. Wilson Wingate, class of 1918, and a sports reporter for the Baltimore SUN, first used the title in a postgame report
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