Page 172 - YB1991
P. 172
Trevor Wysong prepares for a good start in the first leg of the Men's relay against Swarthmore Just Add Water Imagine spending five months wet! But wait, ac- cording to the 23 members of the swim team, the chlorinated-look is definitely in! Actually, this year's chlorine over-dose led to a rewarding season. For the first time in three years. the women won three swim meets. which isan accomplishment for a team consisting of only nine swimmers. The men, on the other hand. finished 7-7 with two significant wins over Widener and Scranton. This record was their first non-losing one in four years. Besides satisfying sea- sons.both teams surprised themselves with their ac- complishments at MAC's. Forthe women, Anna Jok- ubiec placed 16th in the 100-yard breaststroke and broke the school record in the 1650. Junior Valerie Shearer swam to a 15th-place finish in the 50-yard freestyle. Matt Cook, Jeff Maslin.Matt Gebhard, and Mike Jekogian scored enough paints to lead the men to 7th place out of 13teams. Inaddition, soph- practicing his breast stroke omore Rob Newman won the 50-, 100-, and 200- yard freestyle events, Thisperformance earned him the Most Outstanding Male Swimmer Award. As a result of qualifying for NCAA Division III Nationals, Newman became WMC's most chlorinated swim- mer of the year. Newman also broke several school and pool records along the way. Perhapsit was the anticipation for the annual end- of-the-year show-down/shaving cream battle, the over-abundance of loyal fans (8 this year). or Helen Lowe's creative door signs that inspired the Green Terrors to end with a splash. Whatever the reason. the moral of the season was: a little (actually a lot) of chlorine never hurt anyone! - J.J. Boggs 168 .... Sports
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