Page 184 - YB1990
P. 184
Greeks Unite The 'c/estern Maryland fion, OUfgoal isTO tester uni- ITis one of The enrichments Pan-Hellenic Council became rv and promote The Greek of college life. The WMC a fuocrloninq organizorion in svsrem SepTember 1989 with Deb We, the Undergroduore for service be Renoll, Corhi Frantzen, members of women's so velopmenr of Erin DiGregoriO. and Lynn rormes. stand for good schol- spired by rhe close couocr Klingensmith as iTSfounding ond deep friendship of indi officers. Each officer repre- vidual sororiry and Pan-Hel- sents one of The four sorer- ing, fa the besr of our obfirv, lenic life. The opporruniry for Tieson campus. The Council our college ccrnrnuruy. We was organized TO serve as believe the Greek system is The body of The a socoi experience based sorornes irs rnoo focus on ThefundamenTal right TO on Women's Rush, In coo- form vooororv ossoconors S8 Rang" Platoon, Band, Sounds of Silence, Pan-Hellenic
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