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local Greek life Alpha Nu Omega was ThroughoUTThe school year TheOmegas hove members founded on The wesrem so as TOremain close wnh who ore porr of virTually ev- Maryland College campus in Them 011 Their busy ery honor on com Seprerrcer of 1979 by rwen- social The sorority pus, including Dero rv TWO women Iool~ingfor has rnooros-ec The highesT lcoppo , Omicron Delra on orernorfve fa whar The GPA of all TheGreel~ 0190nl- Kappa, deparTmenrai honor OTher sororiTies on campus zonons on campus for The socienes. and other oco- had TOoffer, As one of TWO pOSTTWO years, currently demic and leadership sco- remaining local sorormes with a 2.79. Severol mem- enes They ore now recognized as bers STudy abroad in such Pecocreeo as a produc- on ocnve and respected counrries os England and rive parr of the Western port of rhe college commu- France, while those mem- bers on campus corncoore in Typically five TOeiqhr ser- vice/philanrhropy projects for rhe community per se- the Omegas claim The Pon- mesrer. Members in the so lege. They live on The first da as rheir maSCOTand baby are active in soo-ts, floor of Blanche Word Hall as volleyball, soccer, and welcome any questions colors sotrboll, and rrcck, and are members of the Pam Pan pion social ocnvmes squad, Cheerleaders, and every norernnv Campus Chair. In coonco,
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