Page 108 - YB1990
P. 108
Albert Norman Ward HaJJ rooms plus a common room. The houses a variety of 130 resi- suites are separated from the dents. First floor is occupied by rest of the floor. The Hall Coor- primarily independent women; dinator is Bonnie Grauch and the the second floor by the Phi Alpha Resident Assistants are Tammie Mu sorority; the third floor by the Gilt (2nd floor), David Kleb (3rd Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity; and floor), and Carol Hoffmeister the fourth floor by male and Ie. (4th floor). Underneath the dar male independents. The fourth mitory there are clubrooms for floor is the only coed floor on the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, campus and it is also a quiet the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, study floor and the Phi Alpha Mu sorority; ANW is unique in that each and offices for the phone center Hoar provides two suites. Locat and academic skil!s ed on the ends of each floor, the - Bonnie Grauch suites offer either 2 or 4 bed 5ig Eps M"rk Mulle and Randy McClure parlyin one of the suites on their fraterni. tyhall
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