Page 104 - YB1990
P. 104
J'J\Cf)Ja\~UEt McDaniel Hal! is a majestic floor housed upperclass wom- building on the outside, but en; the second floor housed it's the inside that needs a lit- upperclass men; the third tle work! In fact; the college floor housed the Phi Mu soror- plans to begin renovating the ity; and the fourth floor dormitory this summer. When housed the Gamma Beta Chi you walk into the bulldmq. fraternity. The Hall Coordina- you wish the walls could talk. I tor was Anne Pascucci and am sure there would be many the Resident Assistants were interesting stories to be told. David Fyfe (2nd floor), Chrissi Rumor has it that, the buildlnq Cini (3rd Hoar), and Mark is haunted by the ghost of a Kleinman (4th floor). In addi- former student. Some resi- tion the Black Student Union dents admit to seeing and clubroom and McDaniel hearing it. Lounge are located in this This year, the building building. housed two Greek organiza- Sophomores SCOI1 Stampp and Brian tions and two floors for inde- Sattler relax in their room before dtn- pendent students. The first 93 Mclranrel H,ll
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