Page 123 - YB1986
P. 123
Co-hos/s/ar Enter/aillmem Tonight on Ihe Hill \i'ere Buddy Parker IIlIeI Karell Kin- ninghem. ABC later tetepboned ro sigll themforllexls,'"SOII MTVllel'er had a video like Ihis one be/ore Kalhy Malleilli and Melissa Durley pOrtray hOf/,few/l'es who gel off to 01'/ Lep- pard',1 Pyromania Justlhcw:I}'YOURre Don'l go changin' to try lop/ease us YOII never lei !IS down before Don'limaginerhalonC'e)'OljleaVl'here We ....on'r scc you anymore 1/ YOIl had feft us in limes of trouhie we never coutd have come ttcs jar WI' had J'ame good limes. forgot the bill/limes Wefo\'eyo/jjusllhewaYfou are WhenyolI're out inyour lIek' positioll We wish yOIl tI/f/ile Ilickolillhere lf you rvnimo complicatian Remember our class really cares We'l'e had .fame friendly coaversauons And it was ),011 who PI/I/ed I/S through We jusl needt'ri someone who we could tlilk 10 we Iove you fusr the way you are )'ou need 10 know that YOII \\';11 alwll)'$ be the same aid seniors thai we know AIz, what "'ill "'.. do wilholll you by our side, because "'e all believe ill YOII Nerd Chris Gill/her looks a bit bewildered and intimi- Good fllrk cllIsso/'86 dated as Sergl'o/U 'Glar inquires about hi.! V(lIiDille And this we prollli,~e /rOIll the Ileur! card We'/Ia/waysfovt')'OliusOllfselliors We/ore )'OIljllSi 'he way .1'011 are Bela,," Foz: impersonator plays Ihe Dating Game; BACHELOR-efle,! illclude Allgil' Tisslle, Laurie 001- IIII', lind Karl GIiSla/sen Which will it be ( 1/9
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