Page 122 - YB1986
P. 122
Once upon a time there used (0 be a tradi- tion that the juniors would have a show mimicking the seniors and picking all the school. Well. last year the tradition fal- tered. This year, a very determined class president pulled together with a small group of class members. Working long hours. racking brains for creative ideas, and going crazy in the process, this very small and dedicated group pulled through and pur on a fantastic show. The prime time line up included: Terror Shuffle, Dat- ing Game, commercials, videos, This Is Your LIfe, a cafeteria scene. affinity haus- ing, The Best of Carson, a special guest star, Family Feud, and the Emmy Awards. took 0111Chicago Benrs! Here come Ihe guys oj WUlern Maryland and Ihr Terror Shuj)le Another version 0/ This Is YOllr Life. dedicated 10 senior Nicky Pesik 1/8
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