Page 100 - YB1984
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WOMEN'S BASKETBALL 1984 This year's 1983-1984 Women's Basketball Team was not as fortu- nate as they would have liked to have been this season. But even so, they never lost their positive outlook and spirit. They ended their season with a 7-14 overall record. Depart- ing seniors, Colleen Gohegan, and Donna Mummert, showed leader- ship and encouragement through- out the season. Colleen Gohegan was the leading scorer with 308 points this season. She also sparked her career by scor- ing her 1000th point against Eliza- bethtown. Freshman Cindy Boyer .led the team in rebounds and was the sec- ond leading scorer. We'll be seeing more of her next year. Despite their losses, there were bright moments throughout the sea- front: Coach Becky Martin, Colleen Gohegan - Captain, Donna Mummert - Captain, Assistant Coach Cyndi Church. son, and Coach Martin and the play- 2nd row: Jennifer Bertrand, Laura Winner, Tracey Serratelli, Carol Templon, Nancy Hutchinson. ers look forward to much improve- 3rd row: Beth Riffey, Linda Bawiec, Karen Miles, Cindy Boyer, Louise Nemschick. Missing - Margie Gutierrez. ment. -=--11::..:- ! II WMC reaches for the ball. Carol Templon demonstrates her style for free throws. 96
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