Page 92 - YB1982
P. 92
SOCCER "You Can't Complain When You Have A Winning Record" After a slow first-game start, the Terror Soccer team cruised to its second consecutive Middle Atlantic Conference Southwest title, In the first game of the season, also a divi- sion game, the Terrors battled to a scoreless tie with Moravian. Howev- er, after this clsoppolntment. the Terrors went on to defeat the five remaining league opponents. This year's team's overall record, how- ever, was only 7-5-2 compared to last year's 12-5 With a team of this caliber, one would expect a great deal of tal- ent, The first person that comes to mind is Albert Mensah, Senior for- ward from Accra. Ghana. Albert packed away quite a few awards Front, I. to r.; Tom Jacques, Jeff Hayman, Toy Demir, Craig Robson, John Garman, this year, including NCAA Division III Chris Pallone. John Schiavone, John Montayne, John Anguilla, Greg Shockley. All American team. His other mo- Back, I. to r.; Becky Poynter, Jerry Tolin, Mary Beth Gaiser, Tim Nelson. Chris mentos are: MVP Southern Division Imbach, Phil Hanaby, Jeff Stebbins, Randy Butzer. Mike Kline, Chris Beyers. Cap- MAC for the second straight year, tains; John Garman, Bob Kline. Missing: Steve Easterday, Stu Streit, Bobby Kline, unanimous selection on the AII- Bill Delaney, Carl Holtz, Albert Mensah. Jamie Degraft, Brian Loftus, Dan Guy, Tim Maryland Division II-III first team, and Hanna, John Haltery. Jim Riner, Mark McCullom, Rick Romeo, Wes Crowder. Bruce All Southern Division III first team. Kracke, Mike Wagner, Bob Wassman, Scott Lohman, Mark Ferbor. Ron Hasn, Kurt Other award winners include John Hubach. Bruce Mable'i.c:J:"O:;::Ck~Re::-a__d,,- _ Schiavonne, a sophomore back from Baltimore. John captured the Middle Atlantic Conference South first team, All-Maryland Division II-III first. team, (he was the only no~- When I Found Out About It, It Senior member) and all South DiVI- Was sion IIIsecond team. John Anguillo, a Senior back from New Jersey, was Like A Dream Come True! named to the All-Maryland Division II-IIIsecond team as was sophomore English major Albert Mensah, who hails from Accra, forward Chris Beyers from Columbia, Ghana and is a graduate of St. John's School in Se- Maryland. One other member was kondi, Ghana, is one of the best soccer players in the named to the All-Maryland Division country from among more than 230 small- college II-III second team. This was the gra- teams. duate student goalie from Dela- A very exciting 1981 season, highlighted by three ware. Bob Kline. In addition to this State and Divisional awards was topped off with Al- award, he was named to the MAC bert being named to the NCAA Division III AII- America South first team. In similar fashion third team John Montcvne. a sophomore mid- "I'm very proud of the award. When I found out fielder from Glyndon, Maryland was about it, it was like a dream come true." given an honorable mention to the Albert ended his career with a total of 81 points: 32 MAC South team goals and seventeen assists. This year alone he led the team in scoring with nine goals and four assists The graduated Senior will be missed. He saw action on the wings as well as at forward, and sometimes was able to dribble past several defenders before making a clean shot. Said coach Steve Easterday. " Speed wise. no one can stop him in the middle." 90
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