Page 88 - YB1982
P. 88
VOLLEYBALL "If We Don't Win This Year Watch out Next," At the beginning of the 80-81 sea- son, Coach Dr, Carol Fritz comment- ed' At the beginning of the 80-81 sea- son, coach Dr. Carol Fritz comment- ed, "If we don't win this year, watch out next." Certainly Coach Fritz had no idea that the women's volleyball team would go all the way to the Division III National Championships in LaVerne, California, this season. Coach Fritz, in her 14th year as head coach, notched her 20Dth ca- reer victory early in this season Though an all-around excellent team, probably the most exciting player was hitter Jayne Kernan. She was named to the Eastern AIAW 011- star team and to the MAC Ali-Con- ference squad, The senior's front line play was a key element in the Ter- rors' success. Joining Kernan on the All-MAC team was junior Anne Glaeser. Other stand out performers on the team were Missy Wagner Donna Mummert, and Lydia Cox The starting Varsity squad was rounded out with Patsy Moyles, Becky Bankert and Julie Fringer The team accomplished much this year, including first place at the Dickinson Tournament, second place in the Middle Atlantic Confer- ence Championship, first place in Maryland AlA W Tournament, sec- ond place in the Eastern AlA W tour- nament, and the above mentioned trip to the AlA W Division III national Championships: but perhaps the biggest surprise of the veer was the letter from Vice President George Bush, congratulating the team on their successful season. Coach Fritz summed up the season by saying "This is the greatest thing that has happened to us."
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