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nler·SOfooty COIJlC~: Representative. Alpna Virginia Leigh Mac:ieay Joe Meadow. ,.._.Omega HIstoriC¥"\. vee cresoeot. ...IurKlr 221 Old Country Rood 9317 Washington Blvd folies Sosketbol Men's Varsity Mgr , Intra- Severna Parle MD 21146 lanham. MD 20706 l'T"Uai Sports Basketba~, VoUeyboH. co-eo SGA Representative, [)SClpinary Heanng Kappa Mu EpSiion, wro's Who 11'1 AmeflCcn Voleybol, act football Boord. Freshman Closs Treasurer. Phi Sigma CoUeges and uwerstes. Freshman AdvISory IntrOl:TlU'eJ Sports soot- SIgma Pledge Class Presoeot. Pep Bond COU'lCii. Basketbol. Thomas Joseph laRolG Concert Band, Corrmuroty Orchestra. Jon baH, Basketball 317 Oak Street Ensemble. CoDege Bross Quintet. Circle K S HempSTead. NY Tour cooe. -Almor Follies, Main lab ASSistant KatIe Miller SGA SocKli corvnttee. FrestYnan AdvJSOry Game Room Attendant, brorrotc Product 12223 Woodsboro Pike CClISId P~ Chi Deaf 0.,..0, Intrcrnual Sports Company; Softball, Intrarrurol Sports vollev- Keymar. MD 21757 Pi Gorrma Voleybol baI Mu. Socral WOO CLtl. FrestYnan AdVisory Counct Usher Clew e~ka lelnwall Frederick Charle. Malkus, III 4405 Carol Pork Court Rt 1 Box 123 JudIth Sue Mitnick SyKesville, MD 217M Cambndge, MD 21613 8601 Grey Fox Rood. Apt 2().d SGA Representative, HouSIng Corrmrtlee ROTC Rangers RandolsTawn. MD 21133 StudenT FOIJ'ldaIIOl'lS corrvmree. me-sceo . Phoenrx/Scrrmshow Poste·l4l. p-ocrreooe- sresoeet. ty COt.I"IC~ ceoreseotcnve. Phi Sigma Sigma Kathleen M. Malkus JeWish Student uoco HQ·Macca· P'f8So08n1, sooc Chorrman. Rush Chairman 707 Mayland Avenue born, Rebg>ous ure COU'lCi, seoce Pnde Teu Wtl(n Who In Amoocan Coleges and lhver- aotcooe. MD 21221 GuIde . ..Ir...r-..or Fokts, UShef. WfIIC Pootonwne s-es seoo Pnde Fres/'vT"lal AdviSory COlXlCI rn-aetc. nt/Ornuol Sports Volleyball, Coed Irccoe Voleyball Gr.gorv Claire Maole o.bra Dione lescall_t 456 Cora A ...9('U9 1~mloolcngbrl Road Corey N. Mann Bndgetoo. NJ 08302 Ke'p'lTlO" MD 21757 4523 32nd Street Bo1eycakes, IntervorSiTy cmstlCll"l Felowshrp Mt ROINEIr. MD 20712 Kappa M..r Epsrton, nlforruol SporTS SoITbdI. K'-v Jone Uescheldt 5GA RepresenTative, Corrmillee Member BaskeTball, Football. Voleybol 606 Southwarke Rood PtIoenrx Bob's door maT, '"Tachs". Lob Assls f!ej N, MJ 21014 tant, DramaTIC Productrons. Wrlramurol Sports Ula Nor.1I Morlh: SGA SocKli Corrmrttee, Jurnor and SenIor Football PO So_ 823 Closs HistonOfl, Yearbook Busrness ~ Kelly Suzanne Monos Ashland, VA 23005 nt8l"\lor~ly ChmllOfl Felowshp, Senior Pnde 1333 Chalestawn Drl ...e Alpha Nu Omega Inlernstwp WeSlfTW"l$T9f .A.nOr Folies. Informatron Desk, Game Room Edgewood. MD 21040 VocaTronoi Assessment Cenler. Vok.nTeer Post OffICe IntrOl"1'1lJai Sports VoIIeybaD Delto Pi Alpha SweethearT, Phi Sigma Tau Westminster Veterinary Hospital WMC Youtn's Colege Arts. Intramural Sports Val- Dance PerfOfmance Group IntfOfTlUI'OI Shetrllvnn Llnkoft ~ybol Sparls Voleybol 47 Cedarhiil Road ~town, MD 21133 leslie D. Martin WIlliam Charlel Morlev Maketrng Task Force, PhI Aptlo Mu Fush 11630 Westmnster Dnve 63 ChestnuT Onve Chc:»mOn. Pledge MIstress. Serge 20854 3439 Comwol Road CoU"nbIo, M> 21045 )..nor Class ViCe PreSldenl, Sero PfElSldenI. Bdh'TlOI'e, MJ 21222 SGA RepresentaTive Electron Commrttee Delta Sigma Kappa i-kstOflQ'l, Recorang Sec· F_ Bood, Colege Si'lgefs, ..IU'lIOf Chal'man, Actron Range PklrYllng Admssrons retory. Pi Gonvno M.r. Woo's Who PhI ~ Cnc:w, Concerl Correspondng Commrttee. Secl6lorV Thela, rn Ameo- long Commrttee. Freshman cYld Sophomore Closs Hislorron. ).Jnror Closs can Coleges and lkw9fSllleS, Ffesrvnan Ad· Karen Sue love PreSIdent. Inter·SOforlty Caurd Representa- vl5Ol"y COU'lC_, .Anor Foloes Flencn Crt n· 12~OORootoolcr.e trve. Secretay. Della SIgma Kappa, Intervar structor InI()(maTon Bowre, fv() 20715 !lty CtvlStlCll"l Fellowshrp Ph Sigma Tou, Trum· Im8f-SOforlty COi.XY" Rep-esentat, ...e. Atpho peters Who's Who 11'1 AmerICan Colleges and Katherine Mary O'Dwyer Nu Omega FlI'ldrOlS9f, VICe Pr9Sldent, C.-cre l,hversrlres, Sentor Pnde, Tour GukIe, Junior 1366 Roberts Boy lcr.e K Senor Pnde JulIor Folies nternstr.p New Fokts. De ...eIopm9(lt FOU"Idatrons Field Hock· Sarasoto, Fl 33581 MeKlCa ScOOOl for the Deaf ntromuolSpofTs ey Coplon Pi GaTma Mu. )..nor Fales. Soc:lC*:>gy Tutor VOieyooll I~n J. Mc:Causion IUza~th (Naot) Mathlal Stephanie Dorroh Opdahl 17Q7 $Qutn Hidden HIls Parkway 198 E Man Slreel 1603 Flon! Avenue Slone Mountcan, GA 30083 Westmnster, MD 21157 lutherVille, 1..-0 21093 [)erla Srgmo Koppa, Ffesfrnon AdVlSOl'y SGA Rep-esentatlve: Homecoming Comml- Intervarsrty CtvlSTICII"I FeIowsnrp, ClrTw=ron ()oI. Counc. .Iuntor Foiles tee. UbrQ'y Corrrnrttee. Inler·Sororlty COU"I- to Epsion, PI GaTma M.r Calege HosTS c:rod eM Rep-esentallVe, Phi Alpha Mu Vice PreSl· HosTesses. Vasrly Clb, Who's wrro rn Amen- Klm~""y I. Maclean dent. Torch,Chcl4r. SenIorPnde, FfeslYnan Ad- Co'l C()Ieges r:n:j i.hv9lSlI.e! Senor Pnde 1.3 SrKrrvocw Rood vl5Ol"y COU'lC~, .AJnior Follres, Intramural Sports Frestman Ad\II5QIV CClU"Id. StollShCS Tutor. Be All, MD 21014 8osketbol. Voleybol, Coed VoIIeyba~ locroSS8 Coplon. Cross·COLI'ltry nlTcnual P1I C~ Deaf ClUb/Sounds of Silence, When Sports Voleybol Bos.IceTboI W!"JO rn AmElfiCCJn Colleges and lh ...ersrtres OaIIL.~owl 5er'Mor Pnde, FfeshlTlOfl AdVtSOf'( COISIC' Tour 9317 WosIlIngton BI...d Susan M. Padie" GuIoo ..Jr,.nOr Faires Psych<::*:>gy lob A!.5IS· lcrt\am, MD 20706 3115 White A ...enue to'll Amoul Funds OffICe Kappa Mu EpSilon, Resrdent ASSJstant Bdtll'T'lOfe, 1..-0 21214
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