Page 207 - YB1982
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Ralph Jeffrey IUler Louren Ann Cochran Who's V.Jho in AmeriCan Coleges and lXlIV8f- 12006 Kite Avenue. S W 402 80Idwn Pork Dnve T-3 SitI8S. Ffastmorl Advisory COI..I'"lCi; .I.nor Fol- Cumberland. MO 21502 wesrrooster. MD 21157 ies. Physiology Let> ASSIStant c-sectco Country Club Suzanne Cohen OIIIlon"tnDavie. Rlla Joy aUlh 925 Streok:9I' Rood 545 Rid"mand Rood 4615 Tema Road Sykesvle. MD 21784 West Chester, PA 19380 PikesviBe. MD 21208 SGA Repre$8f)talive. Art Club . ...II..nk:>r Folies Bor1eyccj(ss. ntetVOI'SIty CMstKYI Felawship; Choir. Grdnsters. Concert Band. CC'lffVTlI.Jf'IIty FresiYnan Adwary COI.J'lCi; J.nor Fales Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, Pep Banet Fresn- Mlchoel Conner man AdvISOry CouncM; Ji..X'liOr Follies Choma- 4001 Croydon to-e ~n Mytanwy Oovtel gopher. Babes BoINIEI. MD 20715 54S RidY"nc:lnd Rood IntetVarSlty ClYistion Fetowsl'llp; Junior Folies. West creste. PA 19380 Donna Jo lutier Star Route 1 SOx 136 College ActIvities Work-Study. Wrestling; In- tnt8fVO'5Ify Omllcrr Felowship. ChriStiCrr lite Lampe. Me 65681 trCIfT'Uai Sports scrtece COtnCI; Char; ChoIsl8l'$ Delta Sigma Kappa Vice President; Tn- Kay Lynn Davu Beta. Junior Follies Jim Cook RI? -#1. Box 857 Cro .....fIock coot 5450 londoll .lIon autter CoUnbIa, /y() 21045 Stevensvle M) 21666 sece- Phi Sqna Signa scree (Recordng 3 Medford Rood Chai. Pi Gornrna Mol; cece K; Tou Guide; lory). StnstW-re Messenger; tntetVOf$lty CIvis- Moms PIOIns, NJ 07950 ..lflior scees. S.....IITlfTWlg. Introrn ... 01 Sports tlCJ"l FeIo.....,np. PIli ~ Theta PreSIdent; Pi Athletic Committee; PN Delta Theta Vice Co-Ed Voleybol, Sosketbal, Men's Veley- Gamma M.r Vk&-Pre5ldent; Deaf CUr President. vecrooce. Trumpeters Secretary; bel ISou-tds seoce. I-I"lga. Who's Who's Who n American Calleges and L.JnjV9l'- Karen France. Cook American of CoIeges and l.Hv9l'Sities Who Fresh- n Slt!8S. )...Nor Follies. Intramural Student Sports 70 Harwood Avenue man Advisory COlX'Id. TOU' Guide Orector; Soccer, Gott: Intramural Sports Bas- Boomley HeIghts, NJ 07922 ketbel, VoDeybol, Softball PIc::JnrV-lg Colege ActIVIties Boord Ca-Char- Sydney Laine DMd. person, Delta Sigma Kappa; Catholic Corn- 1025 S GaniSt Serior Pride . .l.nor Fales. FI9IcI Hockey. Intra- fT'U'aI Sports Powclefpuff Footbol. Basket- Lydia Elaln. Cox bel Co-Ed Voleybol, Worne(l's Voleyboll Solly Lynn Carl.on 2817 Folsmont DrIve 1 Bel-Pre COIXI FalstOf'l. /y() 21047 WIII&am I. Ofianey Rockvie. MD 20853 Phys Ed MajOrs C~. Voleybon' Captan DaVIS Rood ro .2 Kappa Mu Epsion President. Secretory; PhI t--AoIvem. PA 19355 Sigma Tou. College Hosts and Hostesses; Santo (Sam) Pre." Crleehlo Phi Delta Theta Social ChOrmon. Soccer FresiYnan Advl$Ol)' Courd Co-Chairperson; 3308""'_ Golf, tntrorrual Sports Softball Camputor Tutor. S.....lmmlng Intramural Beltmore. /y() 21218 Sports Voleybol CarmenM_~ Catnolc C~ ~try Ca·Chau'person; nt8I'VO'$Ity CMsti<:rl FeIa .....shIp. Ctvistian ute 218 RIveIWe Dnve Diane Cavey Co..nd PreSIdent. ChQi'; Deaf Club/Sol.nds A1Ylopais. M) 21401 230 Sycamore Rood of Sience. Senior Pride Ca-Choirpefson; Ju- Social Wor\c Ob; ..lflior Fales LnftllCum. M) 21090 Fales. Student AthletIC Troner Work SGA Repre$8f)tative, SGA Social COI'T'IlT'Wttee. Study u.a D. o..r.te PIli ~ Mu Sergeant-At- Arms, Pledge Ms- 7528 LO-.oll'enc:e Rood tress VarSltv CIlb, Frestvnor1 Adv!sofy COtI'1- Pafriela Ann Croge BoIt1Tlore. Mj 21m c~, .Anal' Foies. FI8Id Hockey' Copton, La- Box 436 SGA RepresentatIVe Cdendar' & Schedule crosse Captan. Swnvnng. htrafT'U'oI Sports Haddonfield. NJ 08033 Dalto Signa Kappa Publicity. Socral Chew- Po .....der PuH Footbol. VoReybali. BasketbQI nt9l'-Saronty CoLncI Reprs$8f)totive: Delta mono Con-espanci'Ig SacIetory; Koppe Mu SIgma Kappa Lombdo lata Tau Vice-Presi- Epsion Vice Pr9Sldent. Ooperson; Who's JOleph I. Childrey dent. PI GonYna Mu; EI C~ Espanol Presi- Who I"l Amencoo CoIeges and lhverSltl8$ 3408 142nd Place I\E dent. Foreign Lcnguage Lob ASSiStant SenIor Pride. TOU' Guide, .k.nar Fales. Office Belevue. WA 98007 of CoIege Acfivltl8$ Wor\c-Study; S-.vlr'nrTrng Delta pj ~, htrcrnurol Sports Baskelbol '~D.Oomon V""'_ Sports Women's Voleybali. Co-fd tntrorruOi 14 Twoobly Drive Cynthla A. Church 1655 Yokona Rood Sr.xrmt. NJ 0790~ SGA PlbIclty Convnrt- Daryl JoMpn 0.. " •• Representative. SGA To .....son. tvO 212Q.1l SGA Hamecomng Box 234 Della Sigma Kappa tee, Committee. Calen- flelslootown, M) 2'1136 dar &. SchedJe, Cdega I-iosts and I-iostesses SUlan Ade .. Hubk:h Cleveland F.eSlYnCJ"l AdvIsofy COlI'lCI. TOU' Glide . .Ai- Gonma Beta Ch 16807 GorSUCh Mil Rood nror fales. S......rnrrw-,g Mc:Jr\oger Upperco. tvO 21155 YeronkG N. Detttto SGA Grode RevIS..... SubcQl'TYl"ljttee SGA ICeII'," WQrf-en Darcey 7117 Onskony Rood Food Subcorrmttee, Yearbook. Phatogra 2506 Rltchre Mabaro Rood Rome. NV 13440 pher. Controst. Lornbdolata Tou; htemollOn_ Upper Morboro, /y() 20870 PI GaTmo "-.I. Ffesf'mor'l AO:--m.ofy COU"lCi 01 RelatION CIlb PhI Delta Theta. TrI-Beta. PhI Sigma Tou Tou- Gude . .k.nor H:lhs. Re5rdent A$SIStant
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