Page 141 - YB1981
P. 141
FOR WOMEN'S LACROSSE There was a five-game stretch of frus Cassilly also had a superior perfor tration for the Western Maryland Col- mance against UMBC, prompting coach lege women's lacrosse team in 1981. Kim Easterday to say, "Becky had a One-point losses to Johns Hopkins super game. She kept us in the game." and Widener, a two-point loss against Offensively, the Terrors were paced Dickinson, a drubbing by surprising by their other co-captain, Eileen Flynn, Lebanon Valley, and a 7-7 tie with who was the team's most consistent UMBC occupied a two week stretch scorer. Tied for second in goals with II which saw the Terrors play decent la- and tops in total points with 17, Flynn crosse, only to come away empty hand never had more than two goals in any ed. one game, but scored in seven of the ten The season began with a predictable Terror contests. 12-0 loss to powerful Frank [,. Marshall, Next in the scoring column was Anne runner-up in the ALAW Division III na- Glaeser, a sophomore defenseman. tional championship, and a 9·2 win Twice, against Lebanon Valley and against Middle Atlantic Conference Drew, she scored three goals. Glaeser doormat Drew. finished the season with IS paints Then the frustration began. The team's top scorer and third in Tied 4·4 at the half, the Terrors west- overall points was Rafferty. She was the ed Lori Rafferty's four-goal effort as only WMC player to score four goals in Hopkins won a 9.8 contest. Rafferty, a one game and led the team with 44 junior. led the team with 12 goals and shots. had the game's first two tallies against Nancy Held, a junior, was the only the Jays. other Terror to reach double figures, In Chester, Pe., WMC blew a 4-2 half. with five goals and five assists, for ten time lead as the Pioneers rallied for a 6-5 points win. Against Dickinson, the Terrors out- Offensively, the Terrors managed played the Red Devils in the second only 6.1 points per game, and only five half, but still lost, 9,7. paints per game in MAC games. Mean- Lebanon Valley, an unknown quanti- while, the defense, which didn't give ty at the beginning of the season, am- Cassilly much help, was allowing more bushed the Terrors en route to a third than eight goals per game. Those stats, place finish in the MAC. The 11-6loss to along with three close losses and a tie, the Flying Dutchmen overshadowed a made for a season of frustration. fine, three-goal effort by Ann Glaeser. Or, as Easterday said, "It was an up Although the 7·7 tie with UMBC and down season" broke a four-game losing streak, it was probably the most frustrating game of the season for the Terrors. Western Maryland took a 7·6 lead late in the game, only to have the Retrievers tie the contest 30 seconds later, To make mat- ters worse, the Terrors had possession of the ball for the final minutes of the game. but couldn't get a shot off The tie was followed by an 8·0 loss to MAC champion Gettysburg, a 17·3 romp over Notre Dame, and a 20-2 loss to ALA W Division II Millersville State, Any discussion of individual excel- lence on the team must begin with goal- ie Becky Cassilly of Bel Air, Md. The senior co-captain saved 136 of 221 shots, for a .615 percentage. Her most stoic effort was in the 8·0 loss to Gettys- burg, when she turned back 24 of the Bullets' 37 shots. 137
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