Page 135 - YB1981
P. 135
DEBUT OF VARSITY SOFTBALL The odds were against a .500 or bet- In the next two games against Wash .481 and drove in five runs while being ter season for the Western Maryland ington College and Gallaudet, the Ter· named to the MAC AII·Star squad. In softball team in 1981. rora collected 44 runs and 42 hits, while right, Jean Elliott batted .500 and Although they had several successful allowing just eight runs and 12 hits. In a knocked in five runs. seasons as a club team, it was their first 14·5 victory against Dickinson, the Ter- Catcher Renee Nacrelli stepped in for year as a full-fledged varsity team, rors ran their winning streak to four and the injured Kim Drexel as catcher and There were only three seniors on the pitcher Missy Mules ran her record to 3· went on to bat .556, steal four bases and squad. All three pitchers were fresh- 1. knock in five runs. Second baseman men. And the first two games of the But, all good things must come to an Patsy Moyles, who will co-captain with season were against the best two teams end, and the WMC winning streak Kernan next season, also stole four in the division - Franklin £. Marshall ground to a halt amid controversial bases and drove in five runs while bat- and Gettysburg. plays as York College edged the Ter· ting .469. Predictably, they lost those first two, rors, 3·2. In the season finale, the Green "I saw a lot of good athletes out but the second one was a dose, 5·3 Terrors were just outmanned by the there," said coach Carol Fritz. "1 learned affair. The Terror bats began to sizzle, AlA W Division II Millersville State team quite a bit this year just being with beginning with the third game, against in an 11·3 loss. them." Notre Dame, and won four straight and The team did manage to finish with a What does Fritz see for the future? "It scored double figures in each game. .500 record, at 4·4, and one thing that was a good idea that all of our pitchers Team MVP Jayne Kernan clubbed helped them reach that plateau was were freshmen," she said, realizing they two homers in the ND victory and estab- team unity. Many of the women also will have three more years to play. "We lished herself as the team's leading of. played volleyball and basketball togeth· also have a good solid offense and de· fensive threat. She went on to bat .500 er. tense. We'll all be more well prepared." for the season and drive in a team lead· Another key factor was the leader- ing 12 runs while striking out only once. ship of the three seniors, all outfielders She also msde the Middle Atlantic Con· Maggie Mules batted .375, belted two ference southern AII·Star team as short· homers and drove in nine runs as center- stop. fielder. In left, Phyllis McMahon batted
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