Page 121 - YB1981
P. 121
THIRD WINNING SEASON The difference between the 1979·80 There were two high points for the and 1980·81 men's basketball teams at team this year, according to Ober. The WMC was little more than some late- first was winning the Tip-off Tcurna- game free throws ment in December. "It's been a long WMC Opponent While the Terrors of 1979-80 won time since we won a tournament," he 6B John Jay 53 many close games to finish at 16·8, this said. The other was a rousing 93-66 vtc- B9 Frostburg 79 season's team often had trouble at the tory of Middle Atlantic Conference rival B7 Gallaudet 55 stripe late in the game. While finishing Gettysburg on the losers' court. The 112 Mary Washington 66 at 13'12, the 1980-81 team lost seven Bullets later came back to haunt the 7B Franklin [, Marshall 79 games by a total of just 13 points. Terrors, though, eliminating Western 7. Gettysburg B7 "Last year we made the key foul Maryland from the MAC playoff picture 77 Salisbury 79 shots to win the games," said coach to end the season. 79 St. Mary's 67 Alex Ober. The Terrors also missed The Terrors finished the regular sea- 79 Bridgewater B5 some game·ending field goals this year, son with a 59·58 win against Dickinson 82 Muhlenberg 72 which could have won some contests to force a three-way tie for second place 70 Moravian 53 and sent others into overtime. in the MAC Southwest sectoin. honical- 6B Lebanon Valley 65 The team's overall performance from Iy, that game allowed Gettysburg to 60 Johns Hopkins 68 the line can't be faulted, though, as the back into a tie for the playoff berth. The 6. Messiah 66 Terrors hit 72 percent. Three key play- Bullets thanked Western Maryland with 77 Dickinson B3 ers. Doug Pinto, Jim Dawson, and Joe a 62-60 win to eliminate the Terrors. 91 Muhlenberg BO Meadows, all hit for 80 percent or bet- Throughout the season, WMC man' 81 Lebanon Valley 5B ter. aged some short win streaks, but never B1 Washington B. Leading Western Maryland offensive· managed a long one. The team won its 93 Gettysburg 66 ly was senior Scott Peters, who aver' first four, then turned around and lost 76 Franklin [, Marshall 7B aged 13.7 points per game and had 135 three in a row. They managed another 79 Ursinus BO rebounds. Peters was named honorable three-qame streak later on, but also had 70 Moravian 78 mention on the MAC Southwest AII·Star two more three·game skids. Not only did 90 Susquehanna 73 teams throughout the league, Like 59 Dickinson 5B Second in scoring and rebounding Johns Hopkins and Washington College, 60 Gettysburg 62 was sophomore Doug Pinto, averaging improve, but the Terrors were stuck in a 12.3 points and 5.7 rebounds per game. most difficult conference. "The South' The leading rebounder for the Terrors west was by far the best section in the was senior forward Steve Farley, who conference," Ober said. hauled in 149 for a 5.9 average. Farley Coach Alex Ober sums it up, "We was also fifth on the team in scoring, had out third winning team in a row, and averaging 8.3 points per game made it to the playoffs for the third time Hampered by a leg injury late in the in a row, yet we got criticized for not season, senior guard Lester Wallace, playing well. To me, that's a compli· averaged 10.3 points per game, third on ment. Any time a team has played as the team. Wallace moved from eighth to well as our guys did this year, with the fifth on the school's all-time scoring list outstanding record they had, and the with 1290 points. Wallace also was fans weren't content - that's a sign of elected to the MAC Southwest AII·Star progress. The WMC basketball program has taken a 360 degreen turn for the Point guard Jim Dawson was easily better." the team's assist leader, with 124, while averaging 9.3 points per game. Dawson also paced the squad with 89 steals. Guards Dave Engel and Joe Meadows added firepower off the bench, averag· ing 6.6 and 4.9 points per game, respec- tively. Up front, sub Scott Kohr saw action in every game and averaged four points per game, while freshman John Seiler averaged four points and 3.2 re bounds at center, with limited playing time.
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