Page 27 - YB1979
P. 27
Birth and After Birth On the 17th, 18th and 19th of No- vember, WMC's Department of Dra- matic Art presented Birth and After Birth by Tina Howe. The play cen- tered around the fourth birthday party of Nicky Apple, played by Ed Schle- per, a sophomore from Millers. Birth and After Birth dealt with the absurd- ities of family relationships. Bill Apple, Nicky's father, was played by David Foley, a freshman from Chevy Chase. Bill was the epitome of the little league coach. Sandy Apple, played by freshman Teresa Baker from Gaithersburg; was a typical housewife mother. She was losing not only her mind but also her hair, her teeth, and her stuffuig. In the second act the Apples were visited by Jeffrey and Mia Freed, two anthropologists played by freshman John Chriest of Dundalk and Susan Gwaltney, a soph- omore from Bowie. This production was directed by Max Dixon. Christian Wittwer and the technical production class developed and executed the set. The show was made easily available to all students by reducing the ticket prices to nothing for campus. 23
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