Page 23 - YB1979
P. 23
Victory 35-0! This float was nice to see and to hear. ~ Alan Zepp, '78 Alum, leads the North Carroll High School Marching Terrors strive for another goal. Band. This year's Homecoming events man food. This large crowd was able mixed tradition with innovation to to mark the dedication of the new create one of the most successful Decker .Student Center, which was Homecomings ever. Friday night, Oc- held the day of the game. tober 6, the campus started its week- This year's Homecoming game was end festivities with a Talent Show and against the Moravian Greyhounds. Go- a spirit raising bonfire. The traditional ing into the game, the Terrors were school parade down Main Street in undefeated, and by the end of the day, Westminster was attended by throngs they put another impressive victory of students, faculty and townspeople. on their record. The second half of the It was marked by the unsual collec- game was played in excellence. The tion of cars, floats, bands and the Terrors put 28 points on the board Homecoming Court. while the Greyhounds remained The Alumni Associaton sponsored scoreless. The final score was 35-0, in their "Oktoberfest" during the game; our college's favor. This victory the largest ever WMC alumni crowd moved the Terrors one more step appreciated the mouth watering Ger- closer to a MAC championship. 19
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