Page 209 - YB1974
P. 209
I think I hear the School Song-it is Western Maryland, as it is to all who love their Alma Mater. Then, again, I think of "America, The Beautiful"-of the words "from sea to shining sea" and "for patriot dream that sees beyond the years." For the efforts of those who instruct and who come to be instructed in their experiences and influences will stretch from sea to sea and their knowledge and experiences will reach through the years to those yet unborn. As I project my thoughts ahead in the years of my retirement, I will often think of the friendliness and kindnesses I have experienced from all those whom I have known on the Hill. The" Hi, Miss Dix" from not only my own girls in Blanche Ward, but other student boys and girls on the campus. And not only have I experienced the friendliness of the students, but all those others in campus life-faculty and staff have been most kind. Too, I shall remember the Hill in the different seasons of the year-the joy I have experienced in the beautiful dogwood trees, the well-cared for stretches of lawns and gardens, the snow and ice storms that have given the Hill a magic of their own. All these things have brought a particular color and joy to the heart of one who says to Western Maryland, "Hail, all hail." louise Dix 205
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