Page 208 - YB1974
P. 208
Looking back on these past four years, I have gained certain tools that will prove invaluable in the future: A sense of independence which is the foundation for being an adult. Pride, knowing that I went to a good college and received an excellent education. Confidence, because of my background, that no one is better prepared than I to confront a job or difficult circumstance. The knowledge that a person can only get out of a situation what he has put into it. A satisfaction for going on when there was a great temptation to quit. Patience, to listen to people and bear with their idiosyncrasies. Besides taking these reflections into the world, I have memories and good friends to keep with me. With graduation, I realize I am leaving behind a whole era of my life. Gone are the times of parties in the dorms, serenades, sledding back campus on cafeteria trays, and having my friends just a few feet away. All this play must stay at Western Maryland because it is unique to campus life, and unfortunately, not a part of the real world. Kathy Blazek 204
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