Page 143 - YB1972
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"I think so often we get lost in the day to day chores at WMC, students and faculty alike, that we forget the overall and controlling purpose and that is, that college is not something that is an isolated "My parents impressed upon me honesty, integrity, faith in entity. We lose perspective of our relative impor- a supreme being, a competitive spirit, and a drive for educa- tance, and sometimes what our role as instructor or tion. My parents were very much concerned with imparting student really ought to be - not that it's a rigidly their [ulfillmeni in their children. J certainly feel that much of categorized or confined thing. Rather that it's a my fulfillment is in what my children wilt subsequently be- thing you pick up; a change or growth. We just come; not that I don't have a Life of my own. But it seems to seldom. realize what we're about in its long term me that a child, in part, is a kind of temporal immortality - consequences, in the sense of finding a kind of per- this is where a person's success or failure is determined. Per- spective for a lot of things. " haps not success or failure so much as love, understanding, and compassion. " "Today, there's the individual theme about col- lege. For example, there's an interest away from "I like to think of myself as a generalist, but my special fraternities; because of this there are other small scholarly interest, at this moment, happens to be in Joseph Con- groups fonning. Students now are more aware of rad, a Polish-born British novelist, and also John Galsworthy, a topics because of television; more knowledge is British novelist. I'm primarily interested in poetry. At a school available to young people. Today, there's the need like Western Maryland, you can teach one thing and do research for the assimilation of knowledge; the need for one in another. That's one thing I like so much about it - I'm to come to grip with one's self" teaching actually what I want to here, and at the same time I'm working professionally in another area." dr. rau stevens 139
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