Page 142 - YB1972
P. 142
nineUe: "J love WMC because of the friendly people. Also, I think I'd be a lot different if he (gary) hadn't been here." gary: 'OJ like Western Maryland because it's so full of knowledge, and because my fraternity brothers are such a close group of guys that J can tum to any of them and feel wanted. The frat adds a special meaning to my life here at WMC." gary: "J feel I've come a long way at college because I'm 1W longer afraid of people as I was before coming here. People accept me as much as I gar!l legates and ninette mel/ott pie were weird before I came to want them to. I thought sighted peo- WMC. 'Now I'm more comfortable about life. " nineue: "I have never learned to listen to people. I want to hear what peo- ple say, but I'm too busy talking to listen. Being at WMC has made me aware of this deficit in my personal- ity." gary: "I want to make sure people un- derstand that I'm perfectly inde- pendent. I detest the admiration the average sighted person gives any blind person even if he hasn't mas- tered his handicap." ninette: "We both want to work for the admiration we receive."
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