Page 125 - YB1970
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march 2, 1970 the goldbug page 2 Lellers 10 Ihe edilor- 1.. 9IWOOdstOCk ---t.he ";ovle T" The E~ltor' u "See Love, Peace, Music, and yes, Grass,forthe flrst before movie The Opened wllh shots or Yasgur'sfarm time ever appearing In a movie together, In beautiful preparations began: rolling pastures of wheat and thick lysergic-color", the adds for Woodstock: The Movie forests graced the eye accompanied by Crosby, StlUs, blasted at top volume, Alter they turned down the volume Nash and Young's rendltionofJoni !l.Iitchellssong, "Wood- and I could understand what they were saying, I hopped stock." Then Ihe bull-dozers and long-halred-construc_ righl In my car and headed off for the snver screen Cat. tion workers pushed across the film and 10 skUls on north_west Wisconsin avenue. I went mainly out entangle the entire area with festival of curiosity, just to see how the whole thing had been portrayed and represented through the 35mmlens,and to See how much of the festival I had missed: but I did not go therewith the Intentolre-experlenclngthalWoodstock natural high which the three days In August produced, I was highly cynical In respect to Ihe abWtyol anyone to do Woodslock justice on film, and highly disillusioned when L stepped up to the tickel window and was asked for lour dollars etrcser. Tills was no Iree movie. So Lbcr rowed a bucklrom this chick who reminded me Janis Joplin and Grace Slick mixed, only much more beautiful, went to the back 01 Ihe line which was forming outside the theatre. and wa!ted a hal! hour in the rain for the doors to open. Alreadylwas geltinglnthe Woodstock splrltw!ththe ralnfallinglnmyeyesand the slol\' moving line of people, which was remlnlscenlof theoriglna) fes- tival. Finally, Igottoaseat,andeventuallysllver majesty began to appear on Itl.e SCreen and the beaulirul re-craa- tlon of the Woodstock experience began. "Jesus comes Is JuslAllrlght" To SOme other town. chords IIkeaheavychurchorganthatshakesthe pounding oul In fOlnor splrtt like Ballad 01 E;asrRlder the blackest Negro spiritual. Religious music Is some- thing lhe Byrds have been Into for several years now, For about the past six years now,theBYRDS have been Life" among the most Influential music groups of their lime. Al_ beginning with "The Chrlsllan And Itlsn'j back on their Sweet- Rodeo Album. either. heart 01 the BuUshlt, most stngte-hancedly theystemmedtbe British Invasion The Byrds have forever left the psycbedellic world of that has caught American music In a glganllc slump. The acid-rock for a simple, unclutteredll!elnthewllderness. Byrds originated Folk-rock, later acid-rock and now the particularly the Southwest. In this vein are "Deportee Mike Shultz enc "new country". And for all this they faded Into a place of (Planewreck at Los Gates)" an old WoodyGuthrle Dustbowl Richard Anderson relative obscurity. still making music and releaSing Ballad, and "Tulsa County Blue." Tile laller reflects the album,s 'that influenced other great musicians while they Byrd belief in the healing power of the west. themselves sat In the shadows. At last the movie "Easy My nights have been lonely Rider" has brought Ihe Byrdsback Into public attention Since I've beeoln Tu!sa County the gold bug and McGuinn and his group have scored with their-album ADd I reallydon'j know what I'm gonna do Ballad of Easy Rider. (continued On page 7) I\Jbli~edbY.ndrorlhe$tnd."t,ofWeste.nMarylandColtege. T:~~~:~;~~~~~ this paper do nol neces
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