Page 124 - YB1970
P. 124
VOLUME 41 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, W£STMINSTER, MARYLAND NUMBER 3 the gold bug monday march 2 1970 Women protest yearbook policy The Women's Athletic Committee and the Women's prog-ram at Western Maryland College that the Aloh: Athletic Association organized a protest on March 12 has recently decided to decrease Ihenumbero!page< against what they leells unfair treatment of women's allotted to womens athletics In the yearbook. WE athleltcslnthe Aloha. wish to state our (flrstl formal protest to this decl. Joyce Wagner, the women's sports edllor for the year· slon. We realize that we do not have a voice Inth .. book, was allotted nine pages to cover four women'~ In- poiley ot this sta!f, but feel tltat we have everyrlllht tercollegiate sports at the be(lnnlng Of the year. As the to express our objections. A yearbook is for all of yearbook goes to the pri~ter, year-took coverage of tlte students. We assume that the Aloha starr Is aware ""omen's sports has decreased 10 four pages--one page that fifty percent of Its flnancialbacldng Is !rom Ie- per sport. Commenting on the incident Joyce Wagner male students. We,theretore, hope that your decision stated, "The reason the pagesweretakenlrom the WOmen Is not bindIng, and certain actions can be taken by Is not due to lack of money. They were coverage. In ligMof The Women's Athletic Committee, situation. your stafftoel!mlnate allocated to other this unfair r------------...., this the acuon seems by 274 women,wassubmittedto tbe fojtow , faculty members--Mrs. Coffey, Phlllips and Nancy Das- COnsisting of three sections had adequate which already Dean Laidlaw and Miss unjustified." ln reactlon two students, Frltz--and Gloria editor ~:;,r:~:s~;cs~~~ed to the editor. cern It has come to the attention of the Women's Athleltc _ llIeUs--took Immediate action by sending a letter Ofcon- Association and the WOmen parllclpants In the sports In this issue .... \\ Where the weather suits my clothes" stir crazy males 8y Alan Winik I asked onewlty he wanted the moneY-_hetOld me that he A taxi Is a d1fflcult thing to find on Madtson avenue on wanted to use It tollnlsh hfs graduate ecucattcn alHar_ a Friday even{ng; wlten the IIt']e purpie ratcon stopped I Yard. Roy laughed and gave them a buCk. We parked On WMC men lay-their lives on the line in tough, hard w..s a bll surprised 10 see a meter next to the driver but Henry Street and went In to eat. And wondered whether hitting dorm games. Broken bones, ~t was ~ttlnillate so I jumped Inand said, "The Waverly the bum thought It was as tunny as we did. The village taken lightly as they see new senetlons Theater, Please." Thedrfver asked me for an address corner; that's has two new,things_four policeman on every of and ! told him that It was In the Village. down Turning and hundreds per sixteen Intersection page 9 Fifth Avenue, he cui oftahuge truck and I decided to Con_ eleven year old kids. We tried to get In to the Village centrale on the floor. Ah yes, New York City. Gate to hear Nina Simone but were toldlhat one needed Gypsy cabs are semi-legal taxis that came In to being reserval!ons. AS we left, a USNavy limOusine pulled up wlll not go lnlothe rough neigh- EXIST comes alive because regular pollee cabs are more and more areas lenient with the and a three star Admlnlentered Inlrontofa w!th two Marine storeona guards of rough In New York borhoods. As the number and a very preltyblonde. music Increases,the abluesperformer spotted Johnny Winters, gypsies. Hence, though th.".e was a dearth cr caes on side street,we at the Filmore East. WefolJowedhlm In to the currently the landscape !made It to the Waverly. Jdld not meet a store and listened to 111mjam for a while. A police Car Over one hundred students have registered in Exist boy named Frank MUI. I me! Alice. stopped In tront Of the store and the cop began asking the courses, WMC's experiment in organizing a Free Uni- Allee 1000kedlike a fashion modeiona small scale and kids standing outsfde for Idenl!f!callon; three of them were versitv. Students are enthusiastic at working outside she was standing In front ot the theater looking at a young searched. Johnny leaned out the door and pulled the gate the regular acoclemiccurriculum. belrded over man In a buSiness suU and a cowboy hat. He closed. We said thank you and walked toward Bleecker to Iter and said hello. She ~miled and said walked page 5 hello back and stx pecpje coming from the eighth avenue Street to get a beer. acry--declding an ailey PasSing to get In- we heard subway pushed the two strangers Into one another. They volved, we turned down the slreet and found two Wile both fell On the ground and the boy Inlhe business suit girls laying behind some garbage cans. One was hold- an interview: and the Cowboy hal laughed and helped her up, He asked She Ing a needle and a bent, blackened spoon; the other was lold her not to talk 10 strangers. I:f her her mother told him that he hadafrlendlyfaceand wasn't a stranger. slumped over the curb throwing pUlse. up. Roy benldown to I walked down the the first her kid and felt for stopped, a horn tooted and she grabbed A blue Porsche Dean Holloway a hand,gave It a llttte hat was pushed back on the head, that alley 10 look for help; three kids came baCk wllh me while Into the and disappeared squeeze When !bent down totheglrl one went to get a cop, ...ho City. Thl,lcowboy Was wondering about New York and friendliness. ~:~d.been throwing up Roy told me that they both W""e Roy finally came and 1 (the head under the hat) tied my When! returned to Westminster someone asked me why The new Dean of Faculty makes his debut in the suncase on the back and pushed until the car started; we Iwaswearlngacowboyhat;ltOldthem that Ih"d all ready GOLD BUG this week with a thorough going inter- headed for China Town for dinner. The Bowery Is on the seen Mldnlle Cowboy and that my trip to New York had view. This is the first in a continuing series of inter way and at "-traffic light two bums aSked us lor a quarter. been fine. view's with campus leaders page 3
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