Page 171 - YB1969
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Dean of Men Mr. James Robinson Dean of Women Miss Elizabeth laidlaw An expanding campus and the problems faced and created by students confront the Dean of Men. His housing policy for the two new dormitories stirred con- Constant demands for change have faced Dean. troversy and some opposition among students. Dean Laidlaw in her two and one-half years as Dean of Robinson is facing the problems of change by experi- Women. Working through the Women's Council menting with a type of social organization new to West- and other campus organizations and committees, ern Maryland College and the merits and flaws in his the Dean has coordinated some of these demands Curfew into reform, compromise, and innovation. concept of dorm sponsored activities for freshmen and independents have yet to be thoroughly tested. changes and extension of late leave privileges have been the most immediate of these revisions. Dean of the Chapel Reverend Ira Zepp Trusted and respected by all denominations, Dean Ira Zepp is the rnulti-facetsd man of religion serving the entire campus community. He has opened the Chapel to diverse experiences, ranging from dance to Dvorak, to demonstrate a wide range of human expression, both religious and non-religious in na- ture. Students with questions and problems seek. guidance and practical solutions from Dean Zepp. / 167
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