Page 129 - YB1969
P. 129
First Row: Cathy Shook, Ellen Ritchie, Carol Graves, Sue Bauer, Phylis Holland, Tanta Luckhardt, Connie Herrmann, Liz Patterson. Second . Row: Jim Rimmer, Joe Powell, Rob Lance, Dave Moore, Bob Whitney, Keith Miller, Director-Mr. Oliver K. Spangler. College Singers Music Organizations Serious study of music was the emphasis of the Orni- cron Eta chapter of Delta Omicron. Maryland's only active Variety is the keynote of Western Maryland's music organizations. branch of the honorary women's music fraternity this year featured lectures, business meetings, and concerts. The College Choir highlighted Sunday evening chapels The versatility of the groups gave students throughout the year. Heralding the Christmas season with to perform and appreciate all types of music. occasion the annual concert in Baker Chapel and concluding the year with the secular Spring Concert were the primary functions of the Choir. A small ensemble, vocal group is the College Singers, the membership including both students and faculty members. Secular and sacred works were presented both on cam. pus and in Washington, D.C. by the Women's Glee Club directed by Mrs. Evelyn Hering. The energetic marching band converted to a concert band after the football season. It appeared on the Alumni Hall stage for a Beethoven's Birthday Banquet, con. eluding with a spirited rendition of "Happy Birthday, Dear Ludwig." In contrast to the powerful sounds of the band is the String Ensemble under the direction of Mr. Carl Dietrich. Representative selections ranged from the classic formal. ityof Mozart to the modern non-conformity of Henri Elkan. 125
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