Page 146 - YB1967
P. 146
." . . . "Add· mg N ew D· ImenSlons... Pi Alpha Ie Alpha "and, lor the mOlt dead wood .. Dear Dr. Makosky, This year, Pi Alpha Alpha's theme was "giving of ourselves," The pledges elected 10 spend a day ridding Weslmin:.ler of unsightly scrap lumber. When, however, upon the mountain of logs rising behind the section, fence posts, and barn siding began 10 appear, we started to question whether this could still be called "giving of ourselves," Again in the spirit of giving, the pledges gave pledgemaster Ferguson an expense-paid tour of scenic Harrisburg by moonlight. This year at our annual Christmas Party for underprivileged children Bro. Riker played Old Granddad. The kids all had fun lining up to sit all his lap and smell his breath. We've had some pretty good parties this year. Some of the brothers never rail to drink 100 much, but the more sober ones always volunteer to make sure the others crawl back safely-c-sornethiug like the blind leading the blind. The high spot of the year was our new pledge class. Next week they begin learning the fine ideals that all Black and Whites have taken as their own. To update our pledging, we no longer treat them as "unenlightened equals," but as "subservient little nurds." We feel that we'll have much better reo suits with this approach. Fraternally yours, Pi Alpha Alpha H2
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