Page 140 - YB1967
P. 140
Unity of Mind and Purpose Dear Santa Claus, How the hell are you? Things have been quiet since you were here last year, except for the crowd in the infirmary due to the casualties suffered in the new cadet bayonet course. Anyway, we've been pretty good boys this year, so we're writing early. Bro. Cute wants a portable oil well. Bro. Carter would like a new milking stool. For Bro. Smothers, autographed campaign pictures of George Wal· lace and Lester Maddox would be nice. Bro. Flash needs a new plunger. Bro. Wilson wants a new jar of Vaseline. Please bring Bro. Clark a new haircut. Bro. Ellenberger wants the same spelling book you gave Bro. Winter last year (Bro. Winter needs a new one too, since he lost the other one). Bros. Festa and Fanning want a copy of Snow White and the Seven Dwar/$. Bro. Behnke wants another all-dey sucker. Bro. Johnson wants n new tractor. Bro. Gentry wants a neon "Quiet Hours" sign so he doesn't have to yell. Bro. Doss wants a new mirror. Bro. Duck would like a pond of his own. Bro. Carlson would like to beat the Dean just once. Bro. Yingling would like another Shipwreck Party. Bro. Kroe wants "permission" to go to Florida. Bro. Fisher would like a new roommate next year and so would Bro. Fowler. Bro. Michael wants a razor tough enough to handle his beard. Bro. Wolf needs an aquarium for his room. Bros. Moler, Hutchinson, and Evler would just like to be Bachelors again. Bros. Matza, Fass, Smith, Baker, Blum, Feigelson, Wool, Waghelstein, and Hatton don't believe in you, Santa, and don't want anything. And thanks for all the little pixies you put in our stockings last year. Please bring us some more. The Bachelors Fin! Row: J. CIIHY. T. FoVJ{"'. IF. Fannin., B. "~Iu, II. f1'a.h~b/tin, J. Niel.:M. L. Carftr, C. III1t/on, P. lklulJuo, S. Blum. ~oDd Row: R. Ma/~a, J. eldric, G. Sli1trr, D. Jlurmun, J. Palumbo. C. T,••es, ",. NtfJ/on. 11'. Dlldlt,., ~i~r~?;:~il.H&t:~::i.lj,u:~ti.':it~ia:r~i6J~.JC':;II~;·t:rRl.ldocill~. J. Johnlo", J. Godown.J. Smo/hm, D. Dou, R. "ulon, C. DIII/LI. P. Kinn,.,. C. &ktr, C. 1I01tr, J. 1'01/, C. Shtillm, R. 80Jwrll, F. rP'inlrr, 11'. Vidati, J. Car/son, D. rP'ooJ, D. FilII".
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