Page 216 - YB1966_Classical
P. 216
~n Challenge Towson In Civic Center (Dgers Strive to RetD/iDte Lails and lags in defensive play hindered a rout. The two Cum- Defense Must Stop Teotllers led their teammates to its sec- berland boys, Suder and Wilson ond victory. Larry fired in 24 by D(1IIJe COI/"T'a.8CO back only to lose by 5 in the points while scoring on a' vari- Tonight, at Baltimore's spa- dosing minutes. It was at ety of skillfull maneuvers' and cious Civic Center, the Green F&M that the Terror defense Wilson's aggressiveness in and Terror round bailers challenge hit its lowest point and it around the key made the eve- rival Towson College in the proved to be costly. ning a big nne for WMC fans. first game of a double-header Last Friday night against Mike Kroe's rugged board work basketball night. The Clower- Baltimore University's Bees, and Joe Smothers' timely men play at 7:30 before Mount the roundballers displayed mo- "leaps" kept the Terrors in pos- St. Mary's hosts national col- ments of precision and fine bas- session of the ball. lege division champion Evans- ketball. Outshooting the visi- Clower Respects Towson ville College. This is Western tors at the foul line 39-17, we Maryland in the BIG TIME. won 93-79. It seemed as though In looking toward tonight's The cagemen travel to the the squad could have completol'y contest Coach Clower expressed 12,000 seat stadium with a 2-2 broken away from BU but lost respect for the Teachers' shoot- record having defeated Wash- ington College and Baltimore University while losing to Franklin and Marshall as well as tonight's opponent, Towson. Triumph in Opener In Chester town, Coach Clow- er's boys played what he says is "always a tough ball game" ....._....,~'ff~"""'_ , and won in overtime 103-96. Senior co-captain Ritchie Eigen, "doing the thing he does best" scored 27 points, 10 of which came in the overtime period. Sophomore guard Gary Fass Mount own capability at the backcourt, scored 23 points to prove his position. Towson on Fire The Towson Teachers invad- ed Gill gymnasium to burn the rerrors Must (ontDin Frosll nets right off the structures and defeat our squad 103-95, From the beginning it was the "sound rlntloJltForwortl Fretl ,.n,.a, of swish" and it continued right The Tow- ..... Itr. on to the very end. son boys shot a frightening 52% Boone N Dave Sturrasoo ketball as the Terrors hung up from the floor. Dave Possing- ning may strike Gill b~ck to back losses to Millers- er, Maceo Dailey and Tim Casey ium tonight at 8:00. If ville and Emery and !lenry. I [scored 33, 31, 22 points respec- .s, it will be dressed in It looked pretty dismal for, tively and will be the big rd white and will wear the Green and Gold as 1966 threats tonight. ie of Mt. St. Mary's. opened up but Ritchie Eigen and' One bright spot for the Ter- the rest of the boys must have '.rors was Ralph Wilson whose L Dick Clower's eager lI_ladesome mighty good resolu-, 25 points and constant hustle 11 face its toughest op- b_onsbecause no fewer than five and aggressiveness pressed the with a 5-6 record as hit double figures (Eigen and' Towson big men. Shooter Eig- ed to the Mounts 11-2 Suder with 19 each) enroute to en again connected for 23 .eading the Mount attack an overwhelming 89-68 drubbing points. We s t ern Maryland if the greatest freshman of Lebanon Valley at Gill Gym played a fine offensive game but all players in the history in the first contest of the New Towson played way over its liason-Dixon Conference, Year. Ihead. half blues t.ripped up IH- hi- ht .rter, The 6-3, 190-pound Eigen picked up the pace First who moves like black again the next night in the the eager's at Franklm & Mar- Ig Ig S and Sidelights g, outjumped, 0 u t ran Civic Center netting 18 points shall wh~:e they lost 82-77., tshot the All-Americans in the first half and adding six After tralhr.g by as much as 18 I zansvifle College players in the second before being re- points, the squad led by fresh- by' Ed Lowry Civic Center last month ti:ed. ,!he Civic Center was llm b%~rdrJlwrJh~Pe~gegllro~ On the basketball scene it Let's all try to make it a n leading Maryland state point to get over to the gym and with a 27.0 average, alive with the sound of swish Eigen's position during his stay looks like Dick Eigen has gotten see our teams play even if it is back. as Coach Clower's fivesome hit at Western Maryland. He has Toward his old touch dy that wants to see a a fantastic fifty-four per cent the end of his freshman season really been doing a fine job in only for a psych break. At the All-American basketball from the floor. Adding a re- he suffered a back injury which the early part of the season. Lebanon Valley there was only in action, should tear * * * a small and apathetic crowd. ves away from the books spectable 13 p_oints to the final. has yet to stop bothering him. Joe Smethers' defensive play The teams play their best when Last tally, Ralph WIlson also brought was a year's arch-rival , into Gill Gym-early! down 17 from the boards to' chronic virus. But nothing has really improved. In fact, there is enthusiastic crowd in 'errors were there when round out another stellar per-' could stop his scoring punch. he has had the opportunity to the stands. .. .. b 'went .offunder Evans- formance. Joe Smothers, one of Rich has the deadliest jump shot guard the top player of the op- * It the Clowermen just s eve r a 1 "fabulous freshmen" on the team, and shows an posing team in the last two Tonight, in taking on the and added a few fire- drove for another 19 as the Ter- amazing bit of ability (at 6' 2" games. .. Magnificent Mount the Terrors of their own. They l! stepped Washington Col- Il.nd 185 pounds) both under the * * are putting their nnmber one the Mounts' amazing lege 88-67. beards and on fast breaks. He Gary Fass has been playing rating in the Mason-Dixon log ~respent at Tilden High In nine games Rich has made I drives te the left just as easily with a bad ankle sprain. He on the line. The Clowermen n Brooklyn, New York, 06 of 131 field goal attempts for as to the right and is a master sustained the injury in the Tow- are currently 4-1 in cenference e learned the moves at a percentage of .427. He has at the three point play. son game at the Civic Center play while the Mount is 5-2. 'ard spot. In his senior hit on 24 of 28 foul shot at- "Rocketshet" (se called by his where he did an excellent job This is one you rlon't want to Tilden he was chosen te tempts for an outstanding .857 young but growing fan club) guarding Sb,lidout Maceo Dai- miss. Game time is 8:00. Conference squad. The percentage, and all in all, has has not been so consistent a de- ley. ~ Fall found Rich start- totaled 136 points. This gives fensive player as would' be ex- forward fer the green him an impressive average .of pected, but his consistency in BASKETBALL I of Western Maryland. 1't>.1points per game. In com- the scoring co1.umnhas always , and illness have been ing up with 65 rebounds, Rich proved to be an ample equalizer.
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