Page 215 - YB1966_Classical
P. 215
of a sound 96-65 victory over all netted cor, Frederick Community College than 100 point: Team only to end their sixteen-game season. Jerry Clowerl season with a loss to Baltimore Wolf led the s, University. points. t February 21 ended a long and high scoring eft hard season for this year's JV of 1 basketball team. Ending up of l with a not so impressive 4 and Due 12 season, however, doesn't Val come close to covering up the garr fact that the players and coach Gab had a lot of fun in working to- Iy. gether to develop skills and a S better knowledge of the game. beru There is no doubt that the JV "Go system is an asset to Western squi Maryland's sports scene. The Kin JV system, under the leadership of a of a good coaching staff, affords star the student a learning situation tion at least as valuable as the one tear offered by the stuffy classroom. titic In the learning process, the time Western Maryland JV's man- tean aged to turn in some creditable p, performances . . . team wise as gam well as individually. Freshman clas. Bill Dudley sported the highest and point average with a solid 24.1 batt I points per game. Bill played the in only seven games. The sev- with enth game was the first win on Our the season for the JV's as they (Ba put four men in double figures char ~ ~~I:~~~~~~--:~-~~~~--~~~=~---lDudley broke his foot in a fol- war with to Dickinson 79-72. defeat five practice, lowing and the team- end work that took seven games to Clower Gives Terrors Sermon On T Clower Depends on Deptll, Rehounds, Points lind Hustle! by Mike Herr year. The five men who begin Tomorrow night in Gill gym- each game will be determined nasium, the Green Terror cagers by the opponent, the style of host rival Towson college in the game the basketeers decide to first home basketball game of play and the overall hustle of the 1965-66 season. It may prove each ball player. to be the first of a long string The Green Terrors will have of victories. more size than they've been .ac- In recent weeks an excited customed to, with four men, feeling has spread among the Joe Smothers, RickĀ· Coburn, basketball players. It is a ,feel- Ralph Wilson, and Mike Kroe ing of extreme assurance. Con- standing 6'4" or taller. The re- fidence shines in every face; bounds should come in torrents. each player has confidence in Back from last year's varsity himself and what is more im- squad to help with the coaching portant, in his teammates. is Sam Leishure. Sam has Everybody believes that this is taken over the reigns of the going to be a great season. J.V. team while studying for Head Coach Dick Clower sup- his Master's Degree in physical plied the reason for confidence. education. As an undergradu- When asked about our pros- ate Sam played four years of pects he said, "we have a great varsity basketball. In his senior deal of potential. I think we're year he co-captained the team. probably a little deeper than He was the playmaker and team we've been for a great many leader; the Terrors had no one years." more dependable than Sam. Now This is our greatest asset, his abilities have been put to depth. In his ninth year as use as a coach and the JV's have head basketball coach, Dick steadily improved under his Clower has plenty of talent to patient guidance. They are work with. It must be pointed awaiting the opening buzzer as out, however, that this talent is eagerly I!-S the varsity boys. somewhat raw. There are only Skip Shear has dropped out two seniors on the varsity squad, of school and will not see action Richie Eigen and Jim Reck. this year. Co-captains for the There will probably not be an squad are senior Rich Eigen actual first string team this and sophomore Ralph Wilson. Leishure's JV Ends Seaso,n Terrors Show Improvement
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