Page 199 - YB1966_Classical
P. 199
Front Row (Left to Right): K. Anderson, ]. Armold, D. Attridge, J. Bauer, M. Blevins, D. Bridges, N. Browne, 1. Browning, A. Cherbonnier, B. Clark, D. Draper,.K. Eckstorm. Row 2: M. Eveland, J. Ferguson, S. Filbert, N. Fisher, P. Foltz, B. Gerwig, H. Haines, D. Hann, P. Harris, j. Hazleton, S. Hedrick, R~w 3: M. ~each, M. Behnke, ]. Bentham, 1. Ber ger, D. Bohi, W. Bond, J. Bossen, H. Broodno, W. Buzby, B. Canaras, Row 4: D. Cheng, ]. Dally, C. Davis, D. Doss, A. Derasse, j. Ferguson, D. Fisher, M. Fried, J. Giardina. Shining Out of the Sophomore Slump ... a year-long performance of many acts setting ... in class · .. library locked in rooms cram- ming for exams . . . Chapel?? . . . Alumni Hall?? Baugher's, Ben- ny's, and Barney's characters: ... diversified group of obscure and/or omnipresent individuals . . . some "play the role", others sit it out ... dialogue ... "I can't take that aggra- vation" . . . "Where are we going tonight?" ... "That's close!" ... "Tough break" "Don't get hurt" · .. "Up tight" gossip ... banal trivialities and meaningful bull ses- sions ... main plot ... Part I ... Who am I? ... What am I doing here? ... Is this really me? .. Part II ... As a class, are we unified? .. ,. But why should we be unified? ... first loyalty to one's own group ... Part III .'.. Follies, "Bye, Bye" ... new friends out of old classmates ... enthusiasm, jubilation exams and other tribulation ... goodbye to sen- iors ... Have we really "arrived?" subplot ... personal triumph and tragedy ... critique · .. play is not unified in structure message is not clear . . . dialogue at times ungram- matical and uncouth ... scenery too limited and repetitious ... not enough emphasis on any one problem ... these are fledgling performers of life's drama and as such they cannot be expected to turn out excellent performances with so little experience ... on the whole, very worthwhile. 212
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