Page 182 - YB1966_Classical
P. 182
......_ rtf ELAINE MIGINSKY BARBARA SCHWARTZ 1ST SEM. PRESIDENT 2ND SEM. PRESIDENT ELAINE TIBBETTS NANCY GOCHENOUR CAROL SHOOK RECORDING SECRETARY TREASURER "We are wearing red and white." Hey! New furniture-in our colors actually. (Of course there were all those weeks when we wondered if it would ever arrive.) 1965-66 was a good year, a year of new spirit and sisterhood and hard-earned triumphs-first prize for our homecoming float. Constructing it brought spe- cial problems-how do you get an eight foot Delt through a seven foot door? We still don't know, but obviously we made it. It was a year of good times- the Halloween party and trimming the Christmas tree and stringing lights on the door. "The cord won't reach." "It will." "Won't." ... sisterhood. Bowling every Friday afternoon. "Who can go this week?" We had a swinging time with the bachelors at the annual Christmas party-complete with chugging contest. Who won? Well, we must admit we did (the second time-with a two man start). There were serious times too. Filling a basket for a needy family at Thanksgiving and sending a do- nation to the Christian Children's Fund for Christmas. And there were new hopes-a rug fund for a someday new rug. And old problems-"Doesn't any- body want to be business manager?" "Sisters always working together. Ever loyal, ever faithful." Yes, it was a good year. We've come closer together, and closer, too, to Delt ideals. 195
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