Page 43 - YB1965
P. 43
THE DEANS Dr. Mak, our omnipotent Dean of all The Deans of Men and Women, of deans, presents the stern image of an Vice and Virtue, hold fast in their hearts academic guardian angel as he strides the keys to chastity, temperance, and across the campus with pipe, hat, and moral fortitude. We are grateful, how- vigor. His letters strike pride or paraly- ever, that they are willing to share these sis in the hearts of the fortunate or the vanishing ideals with those desiring to fated recipients to whom he doles out he pure, and that they are further willing just reward. From students and faculty to enforce them upon the many in dan- alike, this austere, hut genial Saint Peter ger of straying to the paths of iniquity commands respect and compliance. (i.e., alcoholism, prostitution, or body odor). For the good of the campus repu- tation, may they continue in their undy- ing vigil of the appropriate. The Dean of Chapel has the modest job to save us from the Hugh Hefners by religious logistics and from Hell by sincere prayer. His inspiring services, meaningful articles, and relentless per- serverance for Christ's sake provide a bouyant lift to the atmosphere of our sometimes apathetic college. We inward- ly wish him success since outwardly many of us still feel obligated to main- tain our coolness. James E. Robinson, Jr.
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