Page 41 - YB1965
P. 41
THE PRESIDENT While the freshmen laboriously attack the realm of biology and the seniors trudge on toward Gradu- ation, one individual on the Hill is contemplating problems of a greater magnitude-those of the President of a college. Yet, amid all his projects and problems, Dr. Lowell Ensor manages to attain a rapport with his students and faculty. He is involved. In the quiet confines of a wood- paneled office, the daily correspondence is reviewed ... a quick consultation with architects to examine plans for the new Lewis Hall ... last minute de- tails for a trip to Japan to preach ... a personal letter dictated to an active alumnae who has a friend who has a son ... a capable and admirable defendant for our cause in court ... messages, ap- pointments, meetings, speaking engagements. He is involved in all the formal duties of a college President. The big white Colonial house becomes a home for eight freshman women . . . lower button for Ensor, top button for third floor ... an afternoon to review the ROTC ... a reception for seniors, and faculty in the spacious new addition . . . a Trumpeter tapping on the lawn ... no lawn, just mounds of dirt and a big hole. . a cup of sugar for the cake of a neighboring McDaniel House resi- dent. . loud, enthusiastic cheering for home games . . . a round of golf . . . sharing his basis for a belief in God with those who will doubt . com. templation of a sunset in the shadow of the Chapel. He is a part of all that is vital-all that is Western Maryland College.
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