Page 179 - YB1965
P. 179
"You mean that the Argonauts are ac- tually doing something besides giving teas?" Yes, the Argonauts have at last decided to justify their existence and have ended their esoteric past with a year of progress. Mr. Tribby started the ball rolling with a scathing dissertation on "Why don't the Argonauts ... " at the induction ceremony early in the year, and amazingly enough the membership responded to the challenge led by a quartet of dynamic (and we might add, female) officers. The Argonauts led the slate of extra. curricular events with a series of timely and stimulating functions: a group of visiting Russian agrarians spurred inter. est in international relations; a brilliant young engineer discussed the Gemini space project; the members went to a play in Washington together and listened to a distinguished psychologist at their banquet; the sorority and fraternity with Bohhi Love, President, talks with visiting Russians on Dr. Griswold's farm. the highest academic average were preĀ· sented with a scholastic cup. At the onset the usual snide remarks were cracked about the "grade nuts", but by the end of the year the group had ARGONAUTS risen from disdain to distinction, hope. fully introducing a new trend of active intellectualism on the Hill. Seated, left to right: J. Esser, J. Strine, W. Crouse, C. Arendt, J. Un. derwood. Standing, lejt to right: D. McCready, Dr. W. Ridington, S. Lockwood, B. Love, N. Mengel, B. Nolan. 1. O'Leary, M. A. Shriver, Fischer, P. Meredith, Dr. T. Royer, 1. Shell, D. Briggs, M. Day, D. V. Stanley, D. StofHe, L. Winter, E. Feinglass. W. Porter, F. Rinehart, Green, V. Pusey, E. Lowry. Not pictured; L. Knepp, C. Barker, B E. Carll, u. Goode, 1. Griep, C. Koerber, B. G. Lilley, K. Liston, R. K. Richards, C. Warehime, M. L. Barnickel, K. Burkhard, N. Detrick, D. Dudley, J. Holloway, N. Lord, S. Mattingly, J Magnano, Warren.
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