Page 173 - YB1965
P. 173
IFC -ISC WEEKEND Taking up the hue and cry of BNE (Big Name Entertainment), the Inter-Fraternity and Inter-Soror- ity Councils j oined league with the classes and the SGA to bring Ian and Sylvia to WMC. These lively, folk-singing Canadians, known all over the country for their unique counter-point style, entertained a packed Alumni Hall and brought down the house with their outstanding performance. The quiet prettiness of Sylvia and the casual commentaries of Ian com. bined with their excellent music repertoire to produce unaffected polish. Whether crooning love ballads, deal- ing out a dry college brand of humor (enjoyably raunchy at times), or blasting comedy numbers such as "Finnigan's Wake", the husband and wife team showed us what BNE really means; in fact, we dropped our suave completely when our entertainment-thirsty applause brought the couple hack for three encores, and proved conclusively that if we think BIG . we can have BIG. The IFC-ISC Weekend came to a dramatic close the following night at Frock's, where Bobby and the Martel's almost brought in the vice squad with their tasteful rendition of "See that girl, dressed in green ... " Beer, pretzels, sandwiches, and dancing mixed well, however, and most were able to stalk a late wine, er, walk a straight line, home. Best of all, the morn. ing after the night before, it was discovered upon regrouping with the aid of aspirins and tomato juice that we had come out financially even, and all con- tributing organizations could be reimbursed. Eureka, and long live BNE!
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