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TERRENCE REEVES ASTLE FRENCH SGA 4; Men's Council 4; French Club 3, 4; IRC 3, 4; SOS 3, 4; Operation Philippines 3; FAC; Junior Follies; Religious Life Coun- cil3, 4; SCA 1,2,3,4 (President 4) ; MSM 1,2,3,4 (President 3) ; Wesleyans 4; Pi Alpha Alpha. "Terry" ... Organization personified? . . . Matt's roommate ... Chief of public transportation ... Wanted Spanish major ... ".Tene parle pas francais" . . . "Matt!" . . . Wants to get M.R.E. . . . "Chocolate pills" SCA and "Christian Sex"? ... Sweated out Flatt and Scruggs Jersey swampland ... "Always an usher, never-" ... Songleader ( ?) of Pi Alpha Alpha. "Put me through to St. Peter." "Don't you dig this sport, too, Wob?" JEROME PAUL BAROCH, JR. HISTORY SGA 2; Honor Court 3, 4; Men's Council 2, 3; IRC 1, 2; FAC; Junior Follies; Newman Club 1,2; Honor Guard 2; Football Team 1, 2; Golf Team 1; Rifle Team 1, 2, 3, 4 (Captain 4); Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; Alpha Gamma Tau (Vice-President 4). "Jerry" ... Roomed with "Mom" for three years ... Bachelor's sub- marine officer . . . All-Florida '63 . . . "Cherry Sweetrock" . . . Exiled lacrosse player ... Shadowed by a pale Floridian ... Art House '64 ... Gung-ho Marine Corps ... One of Big Daddy's boys ... "Baroch, not Barach!" ... Staunch lineman on Alpha Gamma Tau's football team ... Crack shot ( ?) on rifle team. "And this is awarded to Nancy for being Miss Student Body." STEPHEN VINCENT BAYLY ENGLISH-EDUCATION Omicron Delta Kappa; Class Officer (President 1, SGA Represent- ative 3); SGA 1, 2, 3, 4 (President 4); Student Life Council 3, 4; Men's Council 1, 3,4; Student Evaluation Committee; Gold Bug 2, 3 (Managing editor 3) ; SNEA 4; SOS 3, 4; Operation Philippines; Junior Follies; College Players 1,2, 3,4; Cheerleaders 3, 4; Gamma Beta Chi. "Steve" "T. B." ... The Basic Barf-Editor-in-chief ... Art-If- Arty "We will open this meeting with our regular cheer-'Ray, Ray, SGA'!" ... "I have a test tomorrow? In what?" ... Brutus always On Campi ... "Just fake it, Janet-the old bullarooney" ... Art House '64 ... Bayly-button ... Alfalfa Clan ... One of "Estha's Honeys" ... Was once well-closeted. 193
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