Page 184 - YB1964
P. 184
WILLARD PITZER AMOSS PREĀ·MEDICAL-MATHEMA TICS-EDUCATION Argonauts; Beta Beta Beta 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Follies; SCA 4; Foot. ball 4; Pi Alpha Alpha. "Will" ... Home: a Harford county dairy farm ... milked many a cow by hand ... Played some football his senior year ... Lockered on the side of "mighty Joe" ... Roomed with an Eastern Shore rifleman ... "Only had three labs this week" Took a few courses in everything-"Variety's the spice of life" Gets increasingly negative utility per hour of study . . . Does everything the last minute One of the Bel Air H. S. boys ... Loves those education courses "That ain't so." "I finally found an adjustable 'southpaw chair.''' "My Vetville model's got better curves than this!" LOUIS EARL ARMIGER, JR. SOCIOLOGY Class Officer (SGA Representative 4); SGA 3, 4 (Treasurer 3); Honor Court 2, 3; Dorm Council 3; Men's Council 3, 4; Student Evaluation Committee; Publications Board 2; IFC 4; Junior Follies; Football Team 1; Basketball Team 1; Intramural Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; Delta Pi Alpha (Secretary 2, 3) . "Earl" ... Traded weekend trips to Frostburg for Vetville life in senior year ... Embezzled from SGA-what? ... True "P. C." ... Visions of starting for Wobs ended by the knee . . . authority on activities fee ... Henpecked? . . . One-legged warrior for Purple and Gold ... Fighting the "Fertile Valley Jinx" ... City Planner ... "One more time." "Can't we make him an honorary Delt?" ALICE CAROLE ARRIETA ART ISC 3, 4; Junior Follies; Newman Club 1,2,3,4; Girls' Intramurals 2; Delta Sigma Kappa (Vice President 3, President 4). "Carole" . " Four-year Delt ... "No, I am not going to teach!" ... Expert on wasting time ... "Don't call me Charlie!" ... "Dave Brubeck is where?" ... Red and White all the way ... "Miss Ship. ley, you don't like it?" . .. Quite until Decisions, Decisions, Decisions ... "Curators for the week are " ... Known to be stubborn . '.' Ten year diet "You say the meeting was a week ago?" ... "What books?" "Where's the library?" ... "I wish it were January!" 192
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