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International Relations Club Student National Education Trouble spots erupt around the world! Viet Nam, Berlin, Panama-and Western Maryland's International Association Relations Club was right in there focusing its attention and armchair solutions on the crises. Members of the Department of State, including representatives from the As initiates into the sacred art of instruction, we learn Bureaus of Southeast Asian Affairs, Near Eastern and our profession before we become professionals. The Student South Asian Affairs, and European Affairs, spoke about National Education Association, by means of skits showing these current newsmaking areas. Other speakers this year the trials and tribulations of practice teaching and lectures included Raphael Mayamona, our Congolese student, and by guest speakers, shows us that teaching is more than Dr. M. H. Gopal, of the economics department. methods, materials, and controversial issues. We are imbued with a code of ethics and with the picture of ourselves as part of a national force. But more important, we discover that "He who teaches, learns."
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