Page 72 - YB1963
P. 72
BONNIE LEE FRIESE Public School Music Del/a Sigma Kappa 2, 3, 4; Delta Omicron 2, 3, 4 (Secretary, Publicit!! Director 4); Women's Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice- President 4); College Sympholllj 2, 3; Choir 4; SEA 4; [unun: Follies. "Bonnie" "Oh, what am ] gonna do?" "If anything else goes wrong" .. "Can't figure him out" . Crash Day HOI? Four years, four cars . Cats beware. "] can't stand it' "Life with Father". Half of ivory duo. J\'IARSHA IHENE GELLAH Mathematics - Education Sigma Sigma '[(/1/ 2, 3, 4; GOLD Boo 2; JSA 1, 2; SEA 4; [unicr Follies "Marsha" .. Another Ayn Rand Day hop sounds better than commuter? .. \NIII spend future vacations in Canada ., "The Apartment". . Colorful acquaintances. . Quite a jewel collec- tion from a previous year ... Two drinks Hood memories Procrastination Club Silly laugh WILUA1'v1 GEORGE GILLESPIE History Alplta G(III1I1l(/. T01/ 3, 4; IFC 3; Newman Clllb 3; tntranwrol Sporls 2, 3; IRC 2, 3; Youllg Democrats 3; [unior Follies. "Cump'". . Manager of the grill night shift. Has nostalgic longing for bygone days in the "old country" . Enjoys the company of the fair sex Superiority complex " Tends not to ruin his health by over-exertion in academic pursuits. "The IIlMilellwrica/milidillll(;/ioli/"
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