Page 71 - YB1963
P. 71
JEAN HElD F1SHEH Home Economics - Education Home Economics Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Vice-President 4). "Jean" Last of the Daisy Chain .. Carries ,1 chauffeur's license Mother of two Petite and efficient ... Ran two homes ... "Girls, you'll love Hog Maw'". Life ends at 29 Officer's Club. JILL ELAINE FHEDHOU ...I Mathematics Phi. Alpha M tt 2, 3, 4; ALOJ-lA; Intramural. Sporls 1; Pom 1'0111Girls 2,3,4; Young Republicans (Cofresponding Secrel1ll'y3, Treasurer 4); [unlor Follies. "Jill". . Jill Jet Match Girl.. Made the rush party .1'<; a member.. Educated not to teach. . Bermuda Belle The Thumper . Brooklyn accent ... Raucous laugh .. Quite an ap-Pit-ite . Figures her major, bridge her minor. The House. BA HBAHA LOUISE FlUCK English - Education Phi Alplw Mil 2, 3, 4; ALOHA (Co-Subscription Manager); Intra- mural Sports 1, 2, 3, 4; Pam. Pam Girls 3, 4; SEA 3; [unior Follies. "Barb" '. Bachelor girl who found a PI eacher ... Smiley. Barbara Bop ... first in line to Limbo 'I m Happy" Is attached by bands of sinewy steel Considers junior year the best year .. The House. "Somehow tliisall seems lamiiiar:" "i\IlQtllerl'iligfrOlli Kell.!" "From Bachelor 10 Preacher girl-now IIwl',\"a'/"wislf"
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