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HONon COUHT. Sealed left to riglll: B. Shelton, J. Creve, W. Macfjonnld, P. Ord, E. Armiger, J. ~IcDade, ~1. Olsen, ~1. Hiller, F. Hhetnhardt, }. Brozik, D. jocres. StmJding: L. Alpcrstem, B. Lazarus, R. Price. . . . Uphold A(ademi( Ideals Last year the students of Western Mary- with Dean David as spokesman presented the land voted to accept an honor system. The system to the faculty. The faculty suggested Student Government Association was quick to more changes and the system was again pre- respond and began work numedintely by ap- sented to the student body. Final changes were pointing five people as committee chairmen to made and the honor system W,lS accepted. investigate various aspects of the proposed \Vhen the honor court was set up the old system. Dagmar JOCl'CS, Juanita Heil, Martha Judicial Board was dissolved. People inter- Olsen, Bill Sitter, and King Smith met with ested in serving on the court submitted their their groups throughout one semester. The names to the SGA cabinet. The cabinet, in turn, committees discussed and revised sections selected from the applications six seniors, six which included infractions, investigations, cor- juniors, and four sophomores to fillthe positions rective action, and the setting up of the honor of the court. Dean Howery and DeeĀ» David are court. They also talked to people in colleges advisors along with faculty members Dr. about other systems and attended regional Summers and xtr. Spangler. However, only the meetings. students on the court have a vote. The court When the committees felt that they had tries 1111 academic honor infractions. They done a thorough job, they presented a work- elect their own chairman and recorder and in ing system to thc student body in an assembly the future will select the new members program. The chairmen discussed their parti- The students of Western xlarylnnd may be cular sections and answered questions raised proud of this step forward and will surely by the students. This system was then nc- strive to place the honor system beside the cepted, although a few changes were sug- high ideals of the college in the "hallowed halls gested. The SGAmade thc minor revisions and of tradition". 57
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