Page 59 - YB1962
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Authority Confirms Campus Opinion The SCA believes that the student is central in campus life. Therefore, by involving him in various committees and activities to improve cooperation and communication, they have tried to make him aware of his importance and responsibilities. This ycar the SCA sponsored the [;111leader- ship conference, the Vital Link. During Orien- tation Week, upperclassmen welcomed new students and introduced them to campus clubs and activities. Familiar green blotters, pro- vided by the SGA, featmed calender events and acquainted students with various busi- nesses and merchants of \Vestminsler. One innovation of the year was the planning of Homecoming and "Iny Day weekends by the entire cabinet instead of the Women's Council. The completion of the Honor System, by adding faculty recommendations and other rectifications, was another major accomplish- ment of the Student Government. Members also planned a revision of the constitution and complete structural reorganization. Early in the year, speakers carne to the campus to acquaint STUDENT COVEHN~!ENT OFFICEHS. Left to students with the National Student Association. righl: J. Blackburn (treasurer), J. Heinhart (secretary), S. Brown (president), ),1. Sitter (vice-president}. The group discusses current issues of campus life and welcomes student opinions and suggestions. STUDENT GOVEHN,\lENT CABINET. First row. left tv right: D. lIullluhrey,).1. Sitter, S. Brown, r. Blackburn, J. Bnroclr. Second rolV: J. Spe(lf, D. Price, J. Hcil, K. \Vard, K. Lore, D. joeres, A. Alperstem, C. Cebclcin.
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