Page 32 - YB1962
P. 32
Let there be Music! MUSIC DEPARTMENT Gerald E. Cole, B.:>'[us., ~1.MllS.; Assoaate Professor a/Music. Miriam K. Whaples, A.B., ~I.Mus., Ph.D.; Instructor Arleen Heggemeicr, B.l\lus., 1\1.1\[u5.,D.1\[us.; Asso- in Music. ciMe Profcssorof Music. Oliver K. Spangler, A.B., Rl\lus., i\1.Mus.; Associate Julia T. Hitchcock, B.l\!lIS.Ed., 13.;\[U8.; S,Jccilll Professor of Music. tnstructor inMusic. 28