Page 31 - YB1962
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Joseph H, Bailer, B.S., A.1-1., Ph.D.; Professor of Sara E. Smith, A.B., A.~I., Ed.D.; Professor of Educulioll EdttClitioll. Theron B. Thompson, A.B., Ed. D.; Assisllllli Professor Pursuing Knowledge of the Good of EduclItion. Pro_ Eugene ~'1. Nuss, B.S., xr.s., Ed. D.; Associate [essor ci EduClItion. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STUDENT NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. First rous, left to right: N. G,udner, ~1. Edwards (secre- tary), S. Browning (treasurer), D. \Varner {vice-president}, ~1. Dickey (president), Dr. J. Bailer, B. Meineke. Second mIll: E. Distiller, E. Bent, H. Buehm, L. Styehe, F. Carmichael, S. Hogan, E. Corbin. Third row: P. Zacha- rias. B. Yingling, L. Zahrudkha, S. Beeler, !II. Coleman. Four/II rou;: B. Terry, C. \Vilkinson, B. Graham, K. Heese, H. Mason, J. Cole. Fifth row: J_ lIley.'r, J. Fredholm, P. Hoey, S. Heed. Sixth row: L. Limpert, ~1. Matthews, C. K. Johnson, B. \Volozin, 1'. Haver, 0, Pettigrew. Seventh rmc: C. Philpot, B. \Valker, C. Long, L. \Vorden, }. Hopkins. Eighth row: J_ Springer,}. Younger, G. Schurman, N. Kelley, C. Arendt, E. Sank. Nil,!h ronĀ» A. Alper; stein, D. Grewell, P. Mclntyre, L. Tucker, B. Shelton, P. Pink. C. ~Iitehell, C. Foard, C. Lewis. Tenth rotc: ~1. !lohman, D. Gardner, V. Humsucry, S. Sharkey, J. Stcgel, H. Rumberger, j. Meredith.
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