Page 116 - YB1962
P. 116
WRESTLING TEA~L Kuee/ing, left to rigi.t: T. IIi!!, It Garvin, l\L Eagan, A. Hose, G. Kncfcly. St(mc/illg: C. Thacker, E. Kelso, G. Smink. Grapplers Boast Young Squad Under the superb guidance of their new Oustanding throughout the winter combats head mentor, Dale Bonsall, the Green Terror were such individuals as skillful Mike O'Con- wrestling team enjoyed its best season in many nor (191 pounds), freshman Hon Garvin (130 years. pounds)-probably the best prospect to come Still practice sessions, coupled with a spirit to the Hill in the last three decades, sopho- mores Al Hose ( 157 pounds) and Mik.cEagan h:~~I;!~~t:!dr~~~ni\~d~h~l~\'I~:S~~~~r.~c~ (137 pounds), and freshman Gil Smink (177 loop, as seen in their potent performances dur- pounds). ing the end-of-season tournament. By mid-January, the Bonsallmen had com- The outstanding features of the squad were piled a 4-2 log, with wins over such power- its youth and aggressiveness. With several top- houses as Oallaudet and Catholic University. notch freshmen helping to make up for the Serving ably as assistant coach was former absence of any seniors on the roster, the star Sam Case, held out of action because of TeITo~ appear set for the next few mat Injuries. campaigns.
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